The First Task

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Izzy's POV
Not being able to sleep at night is one thing, but not being able to eat? That's a whole different story.
I had gotten at most 4hours of sleep last night.
I decided at around 2 am last night, an hour after Draco and I got back from the ROR, that I couldn't sleep.
I stayed up thinking about nothing and everything at the same time.
So waking up was a burden.
"Izzy wake up!!" Gabi yelled jumping on me.
I groaned and screamed into my pillow not wanting to get up.
Then finally after her not stopping I sat up.
I used spells to put my hair into a ponytail and put my robes on.
I met Draco outside our common room and asked Sophie where everyone had to go.
"We have to go to the great hall. That's where the task is supposed to take place. They said "the task isn't as simple as it seems" if that means anything to you." She told us and our eyes grew wide.
"It definitely helps, thanks Soph." Draco said before she, Gabi, Pansy, Daphni, Astoria, Ella, Ellie, Bailey and Bree left for the great hall.
Blaise, Theo, Crabbe, Goyle, Carter, Connor, Ethan and Erik walked out of the Slytherin common room seconds later.
Draco, Gabi, Blaise, Sophie and I decided to sleep in there as it would calm our nerves being close to our family and friends.
"Hey sis, Hey Mate, how are you lot feeling?" Blaise asked wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"We've been better." I said honestly for the both of us.
"Well don't worry, you guys will come out wining." Theo said patting Draco's back before they walked off towards the girls.
"Are you ready?" Draco asked looking down at me.
"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied.
He put his arm on my shoulder as we walked towards the kitchens of the great hall where Winky the house elf worked.
After Crouch set her free she was miserable so Dumbledore told her and Dobby they could work there, until Dobby was killed by Bellatrix.
As we made our way to the kitchen a few last minute stragglers were sprinting to get into the great hall, while turning around to catch a glimpse of Draco and I, they ended up running into each other.
Draco tickled the pear and it giggled before turning into a door knob.
"Hey Winky." I greeted her walking inside where all the other Champions were.
"Winky is glad to see Miss Zabini. What brings Miss Zabini here?" She asked looking up at me.
"Draco and I are the Hogwarts champions. Our first task is today." I told her smiling.
"Oh right. We were told to make extra food." She told us smiling.
I smiled back and saw the other 4 champions waving us over.
"Well Winky it was nice to see you again. We'll come down here more often to say hello." I told her giving her a small hug before walking towards the other champions.
"Now Champions. Some of you might know the first task already, and I want to inform you it's not a simple as it seems. You must defeat the boggart in the great hall, but a simple rediculus won't get it to go away. You have to battle it." Shacklebot said as I grew paler and paler.
Draco noticed this and grabbed my hand. When Shacklebot left after telling the Durmstrang champions they would be going first, and we'd be going last.
I turned to Draco, shocked.
I'd have to battle a witch, who's gone through Hogwarts and was a death eater haunting me dreams. One who tortured me and my best friend.
He grabbed my face and crouched down a little like I was a small child.
"Iz, Don't worry. You've gotten away from her before. You can do this. I'll be right next to you the entire time." He told me and I nodded becoming more calm.
He stood up straight and pulled me into a hug.
I hugged him back digging my head into his chest.
He smelt so good...
That sounded weird...
When we finally let go the Durmstrang champions started.
After about 45 minuets they both came back into the kitchen somewhat bloody and very pale.
If this is what happened to them. What's going to happen to me?
The cannon fired and the next pair were off.
I was growing more and mor anxious by the second.
They were in the great hall for nearly and hour and a half.
When they came back they were covered in snake bites and blood looking paler than Durmstrang.
The cannon fired one last time signaling Draco and I to enter.
I grabbed his hand at the last second and he twined our hands together.
Everyone but a few Gryffindor were clapping for us.
We stood in front of two wardrobes.
After a minute they creaked open.
Bellatrix walked out of mine and Bellatrix walked out of his but carrying my body.
My Bellatrix smirked pointing her wand at me.
"Spectasempra" I cried remembering a spell Harry taught me in our 6th year.
Bellatrix seemed unfazed by it except by the large cuts across her stomach and chest dripping in blood, she was fine.
Draco was practically reliving my torture scene but this time fighting back.
'Crucio' Bellatrix said pointing her wand at me.
I felt a stinging in my body and new cuts open on my skin.
"Scare her Iz!" Draco told me.
I knew the perfect plan and smirked.
"Draco proposed." I said making her go paler than Voldy himself.
She turned into dust on the ground and I looked at Draco smirking before practically passing out in his arms from my blood loss.
Everyone gasped and Draco picked me up taking me to Madam Pomfrey who was only a few yards away at the teachers table, examining the tasks.
She healed me quickly and the other 4 Champions came out, ready to hear the scores.
"In 3rd place. Beauxbatons with 25 points." Shacklebot said standing up.
"In 2nd Place. Durmstrang with 35 points." He added.
"Leaving Hogwarts In first with 50 points." He finished making everyone from Hogwarts cheer.
I turned to Draco and pulled him into a tight hug.
When I let go I stood there, shorter and more vulnerable than I've ever been before.
I looked up into his eyes as he looked down into mine.
Our moment was broken when Theo grabbed my waist and picked me up spinning me around.
I giggled and shrieked before he set me back on solid ground.
I smiled and looked at Draco and saw him already looking at me.
I smiled and blushed before we all had to go back to the common rooms.

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