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3rd Person POV

Hermione and Ginny woke up 10 minutes later unsure of what was happening they were laid out across the couch with everyone staring at them with a worried expression on their faces the last thing they both remembered was looking in the mirror. In the mirror was 2 average hight girls unrecognizable from their previous selfs. Hermione has long slick black hair with dark green tips and had grown an inch taller, her chest had grown bigger along with her bum, her skin had grown darker to a dark tan and her eyes had gone from a chocolate brown to an emerald green she noticed she had an hour glass figure and a smaller stomach. Then she looked over at Ginny who had longer hair like Luna lovegoods and it curled at the bottom, her hair was the exact same color as Draco's except she had hints of red in it. She too had a more defined figure. Her stomach smaller, her chest and bum bigger, her eyes had changed from brown to a stormy grey like Draco's. Hermione had always had a crush on Draco since the first day at Hogwarts but knew it could never happen as she was a Muggleborn and he was an asshole. Their mothers asked them after they had awaken if they would like to spend the rest of the summer living with them at Zabini manor because Malfoy manor was being demolished at Narsissa's request as Lucius was in Azkaban. She then told the girls that Hermione and Ginerva were actually one of their middle names not their first. Their names were "Isabella Charlotte Hermione Athena Zabini, and Sophia Katerina Ginerva lyla Malfoy"  where their real names and upon knowing this they agreed to go with their mothers and twin brothers to Zabini Manor where Isabella and Sophia will be sharing a room (I will be referring to Ginny as Sophia, Sophie,soph, kat, lyla and Hermione as Isabella, Bella, iz, char, and athy) they apparated there and Bella held onto Draco's arm and Blaise and Soph held onto Blaise's and Narsissa held onto Kellie.
Out of nowhere Sophie had collapsed and Blaise caught her right before she hit the ground that's the last thing Bella remembered after passing out herself. Only to be caught by Draco. They woke up side by side in one king size bed in a completely white room.

Sophie's POV

I woke up next to Bella who had woke up moments after me. We saw two figures pacing back and forth.
I couldn't make out who it was until my eyes adjusted, it was Blaise and Draco looking more concerned than I had ever seen them before. When they saw me and Bella were awake they walked towards us and gave us both a hug and the classic brotherly speech "you guys scared the crap out of us don't ever do that again". Bella looked at me and I nodded knowing what she was ganna say next.
"Awe I think Draco cares about us what do u think Soph?" She said and all of us started to laugh leaving Draco dumbfounded. Then 6 kids all younger than me, Bella, Draco and Blaise entered the room.

Ron's POV

Me and Harry woke up to a very loud Fleur and Bill as they came barging into the burrow screaming like mad men, but bloody hell they were loud. We walked downstairs to see my mom looking very worried and heartbroken, we asked her what was wrong and Fleur said that I would find out soon for myself at school.
I shrugged and me and Harry walked off to get ready to go to Diagon Alley to get our school stuff.

Draco's POV

After being embarrassed in front of Blaise, Sophie, and Bella I walked to their bed and asked them if they wanted to go Diagon Alley to get their school stuff, Bella and Sophie will have to be resorted when they come back where McGonigall will reveal who they used to be and who they are now. I really wanted them to be sorted into slytherin so I could get to know them both better. Suddenly I heard me and Blaise's other siblings enter full of laughter they walked up to the bed where Bella and Sophie laid and introduced themselves.
"I'm Ellie Violet Artemus Zabini, in 15 years old and twin to Carter, and I'm in Slytherin." Ellie started.
"I'm Carter Joseph Apollo Zabini, I'm 15 years old, twin of Ellie and I'm in Slytherin." Carter continued.
"and I'm Bree Jaclyn Hestia Zabini, I'm 14 years old and I am in Slytherin" Bree finished.
Blaise then looked at Bella in shock at how well she was taking having 3 other siblings.
She looked at my siblings.
"and I'm assuming that u guys are Draco's siblings?" She asked they all nodded then began to introduce themselves.
"I'm Ella Victoria Leeann Malfoy, I'm 15 years old, and twin sister of Connor, I'm in Slytherin, and my best friend isEllie." Ella started.
"I'm Connor William James Malfoy  I'm 15 years old, twin brother of Ella, I'm in Slytherin, and Carter is my best friend." Connor continued.
"and I'm Bailey Marie Jane Malfoy, I'm 14 years old, I'm in Slytherin and Bree is my best friend." Bailey finished.
I then looked at Sophie and was shocked as well she had taken it just as well as Bella.

Hermione Zabini, Ginny MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now