Christmas break

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It was a week before Christmas break and the group was deciding who's houses they wanted to go to, they decided on Draco's, Bella's, Pansy's, and Theo's.
Time skip to Christmas break.
It was now Christmas break and they decided they were going to spend 2 days at each house they were going too.
Their first stop stop was Pansy's. The girls stayed in Pansy and Luna's room 'they decided they wanted to share a room to get to know each other better' and the boys were in Logan's room.
Their next house was Theo's the boys stayed in Theo and Neville's room and the girls in Ava's. They meet Theo's parents and had a fun time.
After Theo's house was Draco's and it was also Christmas Eve and they were staying for Christmas Day.
The girls stayed in Sophie's room and the boys in Draco's. There was also a guest room on the right of Sophie's room and on the left of Draco's room. (Their rooms are across from each other) Draco and Sophie's house like Blaise and Izzy's house had a sleepover room that they slept in on Christmas Eve. They were all asleep after a long played game of truth or dare.
It was about 2:00 am when suddenly Bella woke up to another nightmare of being tortured by Bellatrix, and it didn't help that she was in the house where it happened. Draco woke up to a nightmare as well if him watching Bella being tortured by Bellatrix. He looked to his right to see her awake too. He held her while she curled up with him on the couch of the sleepover room.
"Come here, I want to show you something." Draco said getting up about 5 minutes after their nightmares. Bella got up and followed Draco to one of the spare bedrooms on the side of the house. He opened the window and climbed out on the roof.
Held his hand out for Bella to grab onto, and she did. He went back inside for a minute before coming back with 2 blankets and 2 pillows he laid one blanket on the roof and then the pillows sat down on the first blanket and held out his arm for Bella to join him.
They sat outside for and hour just watching the stars when Bella fell asleep, Draco did soon afternoon.
It was Christmas morning when Pansy and Theo woke up. They were the first awake. They saw that Draco and Bella were gone and woke the others up to try and find them.
Pansy and Sophie tried to mind ask where they went but Bella didn't answer. When neither her nor Draco were answering they assumed they were asleep still and started looking in every room.
Until they found the window open and some of the pillows and blanket were gone from the bed. They walked over to the window and saw Draco and Bella asleep on the roof. They came up with an elaborate scheme to wake them up they got pots and pans from the kitchen and a bucket full of ice water they started banging the pots and pans and Blaise and Theo pored the water on them, they shot up and were now fully awake. Draco just shot up, but Bella using her reflexes hexed Blaise and Theo, after a minute she stopped when she realized who she was hexing and apologized.
"What are you guys doing out here anyway" Theo asked.
"I had a nightmare so Draco brought me out here and I fell asleep" Bella said and Draco nodded.
"Oh well ok then, get up!! It's Christmas!" Theo yelled like a little kid.
They got up and ran downstairs to the kitchen ate and went to the tree.
They opened all their presents from their families and then they opened gift from each other, the guys all gave the girls the same thing,

 They opened all their presents from their families and then they opened gift from each other, the guys all gave the girls the same thing,

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And the girls gave all the guys the same thing the new nimbus 6000.
They stayed there the rest of the day they had s Christmas dinner and Bella was nervous about meeting Draco's father, again he didn't know who Bella was before just that she went to Hogwarts with Draco, was under a Glamor charm and was in Gryffindor until this year. She wore a light pink of the shoulder skater dress, and black ballet crochet flats.

She went down stairs with Pansy and Sophie to meet everyone down there

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She went down stairs with Pansy and Sophie to meet everyone down there. Like the Halloween ball they walked slowly and confidently.
They stared in awe, at Pansy's fashion choice.
Dinner started and no one had talked, Lucius broke the silence,
"So Bella,  Draco and Narcissa haven't talked about you much when I'm around, please, tell me about yourself?"
"Oh ok, so I was at Hogwarts with Draco since 1st year but we weren't exactly friends nor did we get along very well,(she said while smiling at Draco with a little chuckle) I was in Gryffindor until this year,"
"Guys I'm rly nervous, idk what to say to him should I tell him about my adoptive parents?" Bella asked Pansy and Sophie
"Bella tell him everything about you he needs to know and if he doesn't accept that then he hasn't changed since the war" Pansy and Sophie said.
"My parents were muggles, and I was know as a mudblood for 7 years" "I Obliviated my parents memories and sent them to Australia to keep them safe from the war, and found out they died in a car crash during the war" Izzy added unsure of weather Lucius was going to ask who she was before she transformed.
"Awe I'm so sorry you had to Obliviate their memories that must have been a very hard thing to do, now who were you before you transformed?" Lucius asked now very intrigued.
"Um, let's just say I have been in your house before, during the war, and was the brains of the golden trio," with that Lucius got up walked over to Bella took Her left arm and revealed the mudblood scar she had received from Bellatrix. Only now it was still a fresh scar from when Lavender had carved over it.
Lucius now had tears in his eyes and muttered something under his breath that no one could make out.
"Lucius?" Narcissa asked concerned.
"Hermione Granger?" Lucius asked.
"Yes sir I was Hermione before Bella." She said.
"Bella, I apologize for all the harm I have ever caused you" Lucius practically begged for Bella's forgiveness.
"It's fine, the war changed people and ik that you did everything just to protect your family and I respect and appreciate that because without you I wouldn't have met the person I love more than anything in the world" Bella said and looked over at Draco and smiled.
"Thank you Bella, but if I may ask why your scar looks somewhat fresh, like it only happened a few weeks ago". Everyone looked up shocked except Blaise, Pansy, Theo, Sophie, and Draco, because none of the others knew what happened with Lavender.
"On Halloween night at the ball, I made a fool out of Ronald Weasley, when he tried to Dance with me, after me Pansy and Sophie had a big argument with him, and I told him I was dancing with Draco and then me and Draco kissed he lost it and started screaming at me I screamed back explaining that he would have died in 1st year without me, because he would have, and then the girl he was cheating on me with when we broke up because he said I was boring and that I went to Australia to cheat on him, well the girl Lavender choked me and then used the Cruciatus curse on me but I have a tolerance for pain now because of Bellatrix, and the Cruciatus curse doesn't affect me anymore well then she choked me again against the wall then pinned me to the floor like Bellatrix and re carved the word mudblood in my arm deeper than Bellatrix, then said 'Once a mudblood always a mudblood' and left" Bella explained.
"Where were Draco Blaise Theo Pansy and Sophie when this happened?" Narcissa asked.
"They were under an invisibility cloak they had gotten, and it made Lavender believe that they left me like Ron and Harry were planing on doing during the war, and she acted like she broke me and we all played along" Bella said
"Awe Bella I'm so sorry you had to go through again" Narcissa said with much sympathy.
"It's fine it looks worse than it feels though" Bella said but it wasn't reassuring,To anyone.
The dinner went along with small talk. And they all went to bed satisfied with how the night went.
The next 2 days they spent at Blaise and Bella's house, and went back to Hogwarts the 2nd day they stayed there.

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