The Triwizard Tournament

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No Ones POV
The ministry officials stand in the trial room all talking anxiously.
"Ladies and Gentlemen!" Kingsley Shacklebot said walking in.
"You might be wondering why I have called you all here." He started.
"I wish to bring back the triwizard tournament, in light of the defeat of Voldemort. I realize that a boy died while in the tournament and Voldemort came back, but it is a wizarding tradition, that I wish not be broken. This year would be the next year of the triwizard tournament, and I wish that we Hold it at Hogwarts where this chaos began" he added.
"I agree with you Minister. It'd be a good way to connect the schools again." A red headed ministry official said from the back standing up.
"Thank you Mr. Weasley." Kingsley thanked Percy.
Percy just nodded and sat down.
Draco's POV
She's been out all day, I'm getting nervous now.
"Mr. Malfoy I highly recommend you go to class. I will inform you if anything changes." She tried to coax me.
"I'm sorry Madam Pomfrey, But I'm not leaving." I replied a little coldly.
She sighed, rolling her eyes and walking back to her office.
Izzy started stirring so I grabbed her hand.
Her eyes fluttered open and she had a scared look on her face.
"Izzy? What's wrong?" I asked concerned.
She didn't say anything just wrapped her arms around my torso pulling herself into me.
Izzy's POV
I had a nightmare. It felt real this time.
Like it was going to happen.
I see myself in a manor much like Draco's.
I'm being held by snatchers.
A figure in a dark cloak walks in the door slamming behind them.
"Who are you?" I spat narrowing my eyes.
The figure didn't say anything.
I then heard an all too familiar cackle.
"Hello Mudblood, we meet again." Her voice says from the corner.
"Bellatrix." I spat.
"Oh so you do remember me." She said coming into the light.
"Unfortunately." I replied.
"Well last time I gave you mercy, this time I won't be so forgiving..." she trailed off as she muttered "crucio" I didn't move... I couldn't move...
I woke up with a start.
What if Bellatrix wasn't dead? Just in hiding.
I was scared now.
The only thing I needed right now was Draco.
I practically pounced in him, wrapping my arms around his torso pulling myself into him.
"It's alright Izzy, your safe." He cooed in my ear.
"Miss Zabini, I will take a look at your injury's but you should be ok to leave here tonight, the ministry has an announcement before the feast, and requires your presence there as head girl and boy." Madam Pomfrey said.
"Yes Madam Pomfrey." Draco replied for us.
She healed my wounds and soon let me go.
I was on my way to the feast, still holding onto Draco like my life depended on it, because of how scared I was of Bellatrix coming back, I believed it did.
"Iz, we should probably get you changed, you have blood stains and rips in your robes, we can't have you going into the great hall like that." Draco cooed leading me towards our common room.
He said the password and we walked in.
He opened my door for me and let me go.
He was about to walk out again when I stopped him.
"No." I said near tears.
"Stay." I added one slipping my eye.
He nodded and went to my closet, seeing as I was in no shape to pick anything out.
"Come with me." He said walking towards the door.
I sprinted after him and grabbed his hand.
He lead me to his room and to his closet.
He pulled out his Quidditch sweater with his last name and number on it.
"Here, wear this." He said making me nod.
We went back to my room and I slipped off my robes.
I put his sweater over my head and pulled it down.
He walked to my closet once again and pulled out leggings.
I put those on and he looked at my outfit.
He handed me my riding boots and I tied them up.
He seemed satisfied with my outfit and we once again walked to the great hall.
I was scared someone else might attack me so I grabbed onto Draco's hand again.
Noticing my uneasy ness he kissed my forehead and wrapped his arm around my shoulder protectively.
He pushed open the doors causing everyone to stop talking.
Hundreds of eyes rested on us as Draco confidently lead us to the Slytherin table.
Sophie and Gabi stood up immediately and engulfed me in a hug.
"What happened to her?" I asked quickly.
"400 points were taken from Gryffindor and she has detention every day for the rest of the year." Gabi replied.
"Good, she deserves it." I said.
I sat down next to Gabi and Sophie, Draco was across the table.
Everyone was still staring at me.
Soon the chatter started up again till Kingsley Shacklebot appeared.
"Your all probably wondering why I am here today, so I'll get right to the point. We are holding another Triwizard tournament this year. The Goblet of Fire will choose the school champions again. The only difference is that there will be two champions for each school. You will put your name clearly on a pice of parchment and place it into the goblet. When one champion is chosen from each school, one person will volunteer to be that champions partner, you will work together through each task to help get one another through to the end. Any questions?" He finished.
"Who are the other schools?!" A boy from Ravenclaw asked.
"Durmstrang and Beauxbatons like 4 years ago." He replied.
Whispers broke out.
"What happens if someone is killed again, like Cedric?!" I shouted out.
"Then the tournament will be banned forever..." he replied.
Soon everyone was open to the idea including me.
"Who's putting in their name for Slytherin?" I asked down the table.
"So far no one." Gabi got word back.
"Same on this side." Sophie replied sadly from the other side of me
"Well who's going to represent Slytherin?" I asked standing up.
Students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang came waltzing in.
The students from Durmstrang walked to the Slytherin table to sit with Krum.
The students from Beauxbatons sat at the Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor tables as there were many more of them than from Durmstrang.
The Goblet was at the front of the teachers table.
I got parchment and a quill from her bag.
I wrote my name clearly on the paper, and sighed nervously before getting up.
Everyone stopped.
Theo nudged Draco who wasn't paying attention.
He looked up and glared at Theo till he noticed Theo pointing at Me.
I slowly walked towards the Goblet, my hand shaking with nerves.
I stepped through the age line McGonagall put around it and raised my arm putting my paper in the goblet.
It engulfed the paper and blue fire danced around it for a second before accepting the paper.
I walked back confidently to the Slytherin table.
"Oh Merlin Iz what have you done?" Harry said sadly so only I could here him.

Hermione Zabini, Ginny MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now