The second task

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Izzy's POV
I read and read.
Every book on muggle artifacts and even ask the Muggle studies teacher about the cars that are bewitched.
Even though I used to be a Muggle, I never had the feeling of driving a car.
Just two weeks ago I was facing a boggart and now like many years ago There is a maze only this one, I'm in it.
The task is tonight and I've never felt more unprepared even for O.W.L.S.
I met up with Draco and Sophie for lunch.
"Nervous?" Harry said sitting down next to Sophie.
"A bit." Draco replied.
"Don't worry, you'll do fine." Sophie added.
Draco and I got ready for the task as they went to go find other people and seats.
The task starting in 30 minutes was more nerve racking than anything else I've ever gone through.
We walked down to the port key and held onto it, as it took us to where the World Cup was held in our 4th year.
We walked to the tent.
Kingsley explained the task and Draco and I got ready on opposite sides of the maze, like told.
We heard the cannon and we entered.
Many challenges and mini tasks came my way.
Our objective was to find each other.
About halfway through the task, something didn't feel right.
The boys from Durmstrang we're now together but they hadn't sent up sparks, instead they were walking in sync.
Confused I ran and into Draco.
He sent up the sparks instantly and we waited for someone to come get us.
Then seeing no one come we made our way back the way he came because there was less obstacles.
We tried to part the hedges holding us in but they wouldn't budge.
So we went back towards the middle.
We saw a cup there. The triwizard cup.
We grabbed it at the same time, an uneasy feeling growing as we were lurched forward and we started spinning.
The same thing happened to Harry when Cedric was killed.
I gripped my wand tightly and braced for impact.
We were in the cellar of Malfoy Manor.
"Dray?" I asked straining my eyes to see him in the dark.
"Lumos." I said and the tip of my wand lit up.
I saw Draco in the corner with his mouth covered by Roldolphus Lestrage, his Uncle...
Bellatrix cackled behind me.
I turned around.
"I'll let itty bitty Draco go if you submit yourself to the cruciatus curse and maybe a little something more." She got straight to the point.
"Deal." I said sighing.
I heard a muffled "No!" It was Draco.
I saw down on knees and heels and closed my eyes.
"Eyes open, I want to see your pain." Bellatrix said smirking.
I opened my eyes slowly and looked into hers.
"No, Bellatrix please don't!" I heard Draco's muffle plea.
Her eyes softened a little at her nephew.
She hesitantly started to torture me.
I shook violently but didn't even blink making sure she felt more guilty.
After a few minutes of Draco screaming, she stopped and Roldolphus let him go and he ran to me, cradling me in his arms.
I heard Bellatrix mumble something, her wand pointed at Draco.
A green light came out of her wand and I freaked and used my strength to push myself in front of him.
The curse hit me and my eyes started to close.
"What have you done?!" Draco cried, tears coming from his eyes.
I reached up and stroked my thumb on his cheek.
He looked into my eyes his becoming more and more pained.
"Don't leave me." He pleaded.
I smiled weakly.
"I won't. I love you." I said even more weakly before falling limp in his arms.
My eyes opened and I was in a new place.
I saw Tonks standing in front of me, along with my Muggle mom.
"Am I dead?" I asked getting to the point.
Then Lily Potter showed up. Harry's mother. People told me I was a lot like her.
"That depends." My mom said.
"On what?" I asked confused now.
"On if you want to be dead or not." Tonks told me.
"What if I want to live?" I asked.
"All you have to do is think about where you were last and who you were last with." Lily replied smiling.
"Lily, can I ask you something?" I asked her, seeing her nod I got her answer.
"What went through you mind when you sacrificed yourself for Harry?" I asked.
"Well, as you know, I loved him very much. I didn't really think when I did it. I just believed he deserved to live more than me at the time. I'm glad I got to tell him I love him before I left." She said smiling.
"I love someone too." I replied.
"My cousin?" Tonks asked.
I nodded smiling.
She smiled back.
"Honey, you should go back. He needs you." My mom spoke up.
I nodded.
"I will, but I have an obligation... to one of my best friends, Harry..." I said looking at Lily.
"He only knows what other people tell him about you and James." I told her.
"Very well." She said and James appeared next to her.
"Bye mom, bye Tonks." I said as they disappeared.
"You must be Izzy, formally Hermione." James said smiling at me.
I nodded and smiled back.
"Tell Harry to go back to where he was born and check in the top drawers of the bedside tables. He'll find his answers there." James said and I nodded.
Just before they were about to leave I stopped them by hugging them.
"Thank you for giving me my best friend." I thanked them before they could comprehend what was happening.
They smiled before disappearing.
The world I was in started to fade and I heard Draco's sobs beside me.
I was in a bed I think.
I heard people around me and I knew we weren't in Malfoy Manor anymore.
My eyes fluttered open and I noticed I wasn't in a Bed, but a coffin.
I heard a gasp and I looked to my right.
I sat up confused.
Everyone but Draco had stopped. He hadn't noticed.
I swung my legs over the side of the coffin and crouched down by Draco. Who seemed unfazed.
"Now this is no place to cry." I said making him look up slowly.
My eyes met his and he had a confused look on his face. The same one I wore when I woke up.
Then not a second later I was engulfed in a hug.
"I love you too." He cried.
We stood up, still hugging.
I grabbed the collar of his suit and smashed his lips into mine.
His hands wrapped around my waist pulling me closer.
I smiled and hugged him again.
Then everyone started to hug me.

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