Chapter 01 : The Beginning

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Park Chaeyoung, or she's also known as Rosé. A 21 years old girl that works at little cafe in the center of Seoul City, The Little Mermaid. Chaeyoung lives on her own in Seoul. No family, no relatives, and no friends...

Chaeyoung left her hometown when she was 17 years old. When her parents died. Her friends in her hometown always said that she's the one who killed them because she's ashamed with their poor life. But no, Chaeyoung loves her parents more than anything. They died because of unknown drunk man that broke into their house and just killed them when they were sleeping. But none believed Chaeyoung, even the police. So, she decided to runaway when a kind neighbor of her told her to leave. And he sacrificed himself as the suspect instead of her.

But Chaeyoung was sad. She could never thanks him, because she heard he died last year. He died because of an extreme treatment he received from the jail. This news was spreading quickly into the whole South Korean. The head police of her hometown is arrested because of this.


Chaeyoung straightens herself in shock, smiling in return as she looks at the customer in front of her. "I'm sorry, Sir... May I take your order?" she asks him. The customer smiles at her, "You're cute." he mumbles at her, opening the menu. Chaeyoung can't help but she starts to blush because of sudden compliment from her customer.

A young and handsome customer.

"Uh, I wanna have a cup of frappe coffee and six cups of americano." he says to her.

Chaeyoung nods her head, "Okay, which table you're sitting?" she asks him.

"Table 8." he answers immediately.

"I'll bring your order to your table soon. And oh, it costs $65." Chaeyoung looks at him.

He lets out his wallet and he hands her his card. "I don't bring cash. This will do, right?" he asks her and Chaeyoung nods her head. While Chaeyoung is busy with his card, the customer stares at her facial features, admiring her in silent. After few seconds, Chaeyoung realizes the customer is staring at her. She calls him shyly, "S-sir... You need to insert your PIN number in here."

"A-ah, okay." he snaps out, scratching his neck in embarrassment.

Chaeyoung waits for him. As he's done, she gives back his card along with the bill. "Please wait in 7 minutes." she smiles at him. When he's receiving the card, his fingers make contact with her hand, sending a spark of electrical sensation to Chaeyoung's body but she pulls her hand immediately. The customer pulls his hand awkwardly too.

After that, he goes back to his seat where his friends are waiting for him. As he sits down, his friend across him asks immediately, "You ordered americano, right?" the boy nods his head at him as the answer.

"Yah, Kim Taehyung."

The boy who ordered the drinks – Kim Taehyung, he looks at the older boy who calls him, "Yes, Seokjin hyung?" he stares at his Seokjin hyung as the older boy who named Seokjin stares back at him with tired eyes.

"Where's Jungkook? He's not coming?" Seokjin asks.

The boy beside Taehyung – Park Jimin, he stares at Seokjin as he answers, "Jungkook is on the way."

"Aish, that brat is always coming late." the boy with black cap – Namjoon says.

"At least he doesn't like to nag at someone." the boy beside Namjoon – Hoseok snickers.

All of them laugh immediately as Namjoon grabs Hoseok's collar, "Yah!" he yells out but he releases Hoseok in the next second. "Hoseok is right." the boy in black clothing – Yoongi speaks up for the first time. Namjoon sighs out as he pulls out his phone to cool down his anger.

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