Chapter 22 : Criminal

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Hello again! So, this is the 2nd gift! Uh huh, an update again!

BUT! My gift attack isn't ended yet, next is the final gift! STAY TUNE!


"It's your fault, Chaeyoung... Why didn't you prevent it? WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE PILLS?!"

"Jungkook!" Chaeyoung turns mad as well.



"SHUT UP!" Jungkook shouts loudly.

He lifts his hand up in the air, aiming at her, Chaeyoung widens her eyes as she takes a look at his hand with a sudden fear. Jungkook holds his hand back, he was about to slap her when she shuts her eyes tightly. He looks at his own before he slaps the air, "ARGGH!"

Chaeyoung peeks at him timidly, her face is red and full of tears.

Jungkook messes up his hair again in frustration again before he stops himself and he stares at Chaeyoung. He walks closer to her before he says in such deep and cold voice, "Abort the baby, Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung looks up to look at Jungkook in shock, "What..."

"I SAID ABORT THE BABY! I DON'T WANT IT!"he yells at her as he shakes her body roughly.

But Chaeyoung pushes him away from her and she gives him another hard slap on his cheek, "Fuck you, Jungkook..." she whispers slowly, voice is trembling and her palm is stinging right now.

Jungkook holds his cheek, "JUST ABORT THE BABY! WHAT'S SO HARD ABOUT IT-"

"HOW DARE YOU TO END HIS LIFE?! HE'S YOURS, JUNGKOOK! HE'S YOUR OWN BLOOD!" Chaeyoung goes mad as she hits him on the chest repeteadly. Her tears won't stop as she's disappointed with Jungkook so much. "You're bad! Bad! Bad! Bad..." she cries in the end.

Jungkook holds her wrists in a tight grasp, "Shut up, Chaeyoung!"

He pushes her against the floor harshly before he yells at her, "I DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT THE BABY IN YOUR TUMMY! I SAID ABORT THE BABY AND YOU SHOULD DO IT!"

Taehyung is getting angry this time, how can Jungkook hurts Chaeyoung?

And then Jungkook shouts madly at her, veins are visible on his neck. "THE BABY ISN'T MINE! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING SUCH A BITCH! IT'S TAEHYUNG'S NOT MINE, YOU BITCH!"


Taehyung opens the door harshly. Jungkook and Chaeyoung turn their heads at the same time to see the mad Taehyung barges in out of sudden. Taehyung walks to the table in the living room, he grabs the bottle of soju on the table before he pushes Jungkook away from Chaeyoung.

"STOP HURTING HER!" Taehyung shouts at Jungkook.

And at the same time, Taehyung smashes the bottle against Jungkook's head hardly.

"AAAAAAH!" Chaeyoung screams out loud.


Blood is flowing down from Jungkook's head.

Taehyung is still grabbing the remaining part of the bottle before he stabs it against Jungkook's stomach furiously. "HOW DARE YOU TO DENY THE BABY INSIDE HER?!" Taehyung roars madly, stabbing the sharp side of the bottle to Jungkook's stomach repeteadly.


Chaeyoung is scared of what she sees right now. She approaches Taehyung, trying to pull him away from the beaten up Jungkook. "Taehyung... Stop it... Stop it..." she pleads at Taehyung in such hopeless tone.

But Taehyung pushes her away from them. Taehyung stabs the sharp side of the bottle onto Jungkook's stomach once again before he throws the bottle to the wall. That one side of Chaeyoung's apartment is full of Jungkook's blood and so is Taehyung's clothes.

Taehyung lifts the weak Jungkook harshly by the collar, "You need to die, Jungkook..." he whispers to Jungkook with gritted teeth.

"Chaeyoung doesn't deserve you..." he whispers to him once more.

Taehyung pushes Jungkook to the wall before slowly he realizes the whole situation. Jungkook is dying. And it's happened because of him. Oh, no...

Jungkook falls down to the floor weakly as Chaeyoung comes to Jungkook's side.

"Jungkook! Jungkook! Ireona!" Chaeyoung says hurriedly.

Taehyung is staying on his place. He lifts hiw own hands that are covered with Jungkook's blood. "Seol-ma..." he whispers to himself as he looks at both Jungkook and Chaeyoung on the floor.

"Ireona, Jungkook! Ireona!" Chaeyoung cries as she hugs Jungkook.

Taehyung walks backward slowly, looking at Chaeyoung and she looks back at him at the same time, "Taehyung, you need to help me... Help him..." she cries to Taehyung.

Taehyung looks at Chaeyoung in horror before he shakes his head slowly, walking away from her with his shocked expression. In another side, Chaeyoung is still hugging Jungkook, "Taehyung! Taehyung! Help him, jebal!"

But with that, Taehyung runs away from the apartment.

He runs away from his sin.

He runs away from her...


Surprise! Hm, I'm updating quite fast, eh?

Few more chapters before it ends!

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