Chapter 14 : One Lose

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It has been three days since the day of Jungkook and Taehyung almost got into a fight between each other. And it has been three days as well that the two ignored each other wherever they met. Taehyung was slightly upset because he couldn't visit The Little Mermaid regularly as he was looking for another job, so he can work peacefully, not in the same place as Jungkook's.

And just yesterday, he found a new job. Actually it's the same job, being a shopkeeper, but of course, in different place where Jungkook won't be there to annoy him by just his cold expression and the fact that he's getting closer with Chaeyoung as well.

A sad truth.

So today, Taehyung prepares himself to go to the Little Mermaid to meet Chaeyoung. He really needs to tell her A LOT of things, from his problem and maybe until his feelings. He knows his time is short, but he doesn't want to rush as well. And now, he thinks the best way to reveal his true feelings for her is by talking to her.

He needs her, at least, to know about his feelings.

In hope, some burdens inside him will vanish right away once he told her.

Taehyung enters the Little Mermaid in his button up black shirt and black pants, looking so dull as he drags his body to the counter with slightly lazy steps. Surprisingly, the cafe is empty. There's no customer there except him, and maybe this is really a good chance to talk with her.

Taehyung flashes a small smile as he pokes Chaeyoung's back over the table who's busy arranging small decorations. Chaeyoung turns around, widening her eyes and smile once she knew who was the culprit that poked her back.

"One frappe coffee?" she lifts an eyebrow.

"Yes, one frappe coffee and a time to talk with you." Taehyung smiles at her.

"With me?" Chaeyoung can't help but she smiles back.

Taehyung nods his head, "Table 8, sweetheart." he winks his eyes before he leaves the counter to the table 8 in the corner of the cafe. Chaeyoung holds a wide grin before she turns on her heels to make his order.

Taehyung sits there with lips pressed firmly between the upper and the bottom one. He clasps his hands together as he looks nothing outside the crystal clear window separator of the road and the cafe for almost five minutes. He tries to think what should he talks to her for the beginning? Asking her condition?

That's a little bit too formal...

Taehyung lets out a small sigh before he looks back at the counter, noticing that Chaeyoung is coming to the table. Taehyung puts a small smile for her once again as he helps her to put down the drink. He takes a sip of the drink as Chaeyoung sits in front of him, jaw inside her palm while staring at him.

"What do you want to talk, Tae?" she asks him.

"Tae?" Taehyung grins at her.

"Yeah, Taehyung." Chaeyoung corrects him immediately.

Taehyung puts down the drink, "I like the nickname."

Chaeyoung shakes her head slightly, "Hey, you didn't answer me." she pouts her lips.

"What do you want to talk?" she repeats herself.

Taehyung exhales a deep breath before he stares into her eyes calmly. "Three days ago, I almost got into a fight with a member during the practice. You remember? The time I called you."

Chaeyoung stiffens for a moment before she asks slowly, "With Jungkook? It was you?"

"How do you know if it was Jungkook?" Taehyung lifts an eyebrow.

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