Chapter 15 : Dangerous

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(Almost half of this chapter is contained 18+ stuff, if you see the warning : It's starting!)

The black car stops in front of Chaeyoung's house. She lets out a small breath before she removes the seat belt, mumbling her thanks to Jungkook. "Thank you so much, Jungkook." she can't look him in the eyes now. She's too shy to do that.

Jungkook nods his head, pressing the tip of his fingers under his lips, "Chaeyoung?"


The girl steals a glance at him but quickly she shifts her gaze away from him, Jungkook chuckles at her before he says, "Are you liking Taehyung hyung? You two seems so close. Very close."

Chaeyoung thinks for a moment, "Of course, I like him as a friend."

Jungkook can't help to grin once he hears that answer from her. "I see."

He removes his seat belt as he says to her, "Hey, can I come to your apartment?" he asks her. The girl turns to see him immediately in shock. He gives her a small smile and he is satiesfied when he sees she's nodding her head at him.

"Good." Jungkook smiles to her, slipping a small plastic into his jeans' pocket.

The two exits the car, walking together to the building while sharing a small talk to keep them warm. Chaeyoung leads the way to her apartment as Jungkook notices that she keeps on avoiding his gaze. But he doesn't really mind about it though. His hand slips on his jeans' pocket once again, checking the small plastic he put before. It's still there.

Okay, this will go smooth.

Chaeyoung opens her apartment door, entering the dark room before she turns on the lights. Jungkook follows her, closing the door behind him as she cleans the couch for him. "The last guest was visiting my house weeks ago. So, sorry if the room is quite messy." Chaeyoung blushes a little bit as she picks up her coat from the floor and also her sling bag from the couch.

Jungkook chuckles at her, "It's okay." he sits on the couch, "Who was the last guest?"

Chaeyoung tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear, "Taehyung..." and she blushes slightly when she remembers about the thing she and Taehyung did on the couch. She shakes her head at the thought, trying to forget what happened there.

Jungkook notices her is getting silent, "Oh." he says flatly. So, Jungkook is one step late than Taehyung? Who cares? He will take more steps further than him. He will win this game anyway. He will win her heart tonight.

"What do you want to drink?" she asks him.

Jungkook looks back at her, "Uh, warm tea? Is that okay?"

Chaeyoung nods her head, "Wait for a minute."

She leaves him alone in the living room. Jungkook lets out a breath, pulling out a small plastic inside his jeans' pocket. He stares at it before he takes his phone out, checking the effect of the thing inside the small plastic inside his hand. A small grin can't leave his face as he's sure that she will fall into his arms tonight. He puts the small plastic beside him, it's completely hidden by his thick thigh. And soon Chaeyoung comes back to the living room with two cups of warm tea in her hands.

"I made one for me as well." she chuckles at him.

Jungkook takes a cup and he drinks it slowly, "Warm tea is good for your body." he says.

She nods her head, "And oh, I'll change my clothes first." she points to her jacket.

"Go on. I can wait for you even for a year long. But don't take too long though, your tea won't be warm then." Jungkook smiles at her and Chaeyoung leaves him once again with a small giggle. When Jungkook is sure that she's completely leaving the living room, he grabs the small plastic immediately.

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