Chapter 08 : It Begins

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Chaeyoung enters Pink Punk's practice room for the very first time. Lisa is the one who greets her, "Annyeong, Chaeyoung! Ready for your very first practice?" she grins at the slightly taller girl. Chaeyoung can see Jennie and Jisoo wave their hands at her, smiling so cutely.

"I'm nervous." Chaeyoung smiles back at the two older girls.

"Oh, it's okay. I was like that too!" Jisoo comments out.

They sit in circle to talk for a while. They need to tell Chaeyoung about the concept and some other stuffs since Chaeyoung is really new in this situation. Jennie smiles at the younger girl as she says, "So, Chaeyoung, first, our concept for the next appearance is dangerous woman. It might sound ridiculous but yeah that is. We already made the dance months ago but we kept on delaying to perform it since our former member couldn't dance to that well. So, we will try to work it out with you!"

Chaeyoung nods her head, "I hope I can do that."

Lisa smiles, "Of course, you can! I saw your dance yesterday. You were so damn good!"

Chaeyoung blushes slightly, mumbling a thank you to Lisa. Jennie shows her gummy smile too, "And oh... Our group name is Pink Punk." she says while cringing at the name. Chaeyoung laughs at Jennie's expression.

"No offense, but... Isn't the name a little bit funny?" Chaeyoung asks them.

The three of them unexpectedly nod their heads in sync. Jisoo rolls her eyes, "We can't think of a better name. But let it go." and the others just nod their heads again.

"Okay, now! Let's practice! Go go!" Lisa squeals as she helps Chaeyoung to stand.

Lisa is guiding Chaeyoung with the steps as Jennie and Jisoo are practicing too. Few hours passed, Lisa is very satisfied with how fast Chaeyoung learned the choreography. She keeps on praising her as the other girl is trying hard to do her best. Lisa stares at Chaeyoung when she starts to dance the choreography. "Oh!" Lisa squeals.

"Taehyung-ssi was right! You're so graceful! And I love the way your feet moves!" Lisa smiles.

Chaeyoung finishes her dance as Lisa claps her hands, really satisfied with the result. Jisoo is grinning too as she and Jennie approach the younger girls. "Well now, let's arrange the position of the dance." Jennie says as the others follow her immediately to the center of the practice room.

They practice really hard for the whole day because they'll join the big battle of the girl dance group this Saturday. And today is Wednesday, they need to practice hard to make it perfect! Jisoo is sitting on the floor once they finish the final practice for today, soon the others join her to sit on the floor as well. They look so thirsty and tired.

"Wow, this is the best day of my life." Lisa mumbles.

"Because you can dance properly?" Jennie smirks.

Lisa snorts a laugh, "Obviously. Chaeyoung make it easy for us."

"Chaeyoung did great! But hey, don't you think guys I was too awkward?" Jisoo glances at Lisa.

Jennie gasps dramatically as she hugs Jisoo, getting clingy with her, "No eunnie. You were great!" in another hand, Chaeyoung nods her head too. "Eunnie, this is the first time I saw you're dancing. I can tell that you're trying your best and you did good!"

Jisoo smiles, "That makes me better but I'll try harder."

Chaeyoung smiles back, "By the way, can I say something?"

The three nod their heads in sync, "Go on." Jennie gives her permission.

Chaeyoung scratches her neck slightly before she says, "I have a new name for our group. No offense, but since I join this group, I think all of you should move on with the name as well."

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