Chapter 21 : A Denial

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It's another cold night in Seoul. Chaeyoung sits alone inside The Base as she watches her friends on the stage, dancing up there without her. Beside her is Jungkook who sits quietly as he holds her hand tightly.

Chaeyoung was lying to her members and also her boyfriend that she couldn't do the performance tonight because she's sick. But the truth is, she doesn't want the baby inside her tummy dying is she overworked herself. Yes, none knew yet about the baby for almost a week. Chaeyoung is worried so much as lately she keeps on avoid Jungkook as well.

"Chae, I miss you so much..." Jungkook whispers to her ear but she pulls herself from him.

Jungkook looks dumbfounded at her, "Jungkook, we're in a public place." she tries to avoid him.

He looks at her with a worry look on his face before he sighs slowly, "The dance looks powerless. I guess since you're not there?" he changes the topic after he saw her strange behaviour.

Chaeyoung swipes her hair slowly, turning to look at him, "They did great."

"Chaeyoung, what happened?" Jungkook asks her.

"Nothing happened." she looks away immediately.

"Chae..." Jungkook whispers to her.

But out of sudden, another man appears in front of them, it's Taehyung. "Chae?" he calls for her in his deep voice, not sparing a glance at Jungkook at all. Jungkook sighs slowly, looking away as well awkwardly.

Taehyung doesn't know if Jungkook and Chaeyoung in a relationship.

Chaeyoung glances at Jungkook before she stands up to greet Taehyung, "Oh, hi."

Taehyung gives her a small smile before he says, "The girls, they're looking for you."

"Ah, ne. Thank you for telling me." Chaeyoung smiles at Taehyung before she leaves with him.

Jungkook watches them in a jealousy. But he tries to hold it back, knowing it's useless to pick up a fight in front of her. So, he let them go. Because deep inside his heart, he feels sorry as well to date Chaeyoung secretly behind Taehyung's back.

Meanwhile, in another side of The Base, Chaeyoung approaches the BLACKPINK girls who just performed on the stage without her. Lisa is pouting her lips as she approaches Chaeyoung with a hug, "Chaeng, we came out as the 2nd because there was no you up there."

Jennie nods her head, "Yeah, Lisa needs her partner in dance, Chaeng-ah."

"You need to get well soon." Jisoo smiles at Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung gives them a small yet bitter smile. "I'm sorry girls. I hope I can dance soon."

But what a lie, deep inside Chaeyoung's heart, she apologizes too that she might leave the group because of the baby inside her.


It's 11:36 PM.

Chaeyoung is in her apartment after a long day in The Little Mermaid and also The Base. Lisa just went back from her apartment three minutes ago after she told Chaeyoung her break up story with her boyfriend that she loves so much.

Chaeyoung cleans her living room when someone knocks on her door. She looks at the clock in wonder, who might come in a late night like this? Is it Lisa? Did she left something here?

Chaeyoung walks to the door as she opens it. "Chaeyoung..."

It's Jungkook.

She hesitates at first before she opens the door wider for him, "Come in..."

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