Chapter 17 : The Dark

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(If you want to, please watch the trailer again and you might noticed something ^^

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In one of the dark alleys in Seoul, there's Taehyung.

Taehyung leans on the wall, waiting for Jungkook to come just like he ordered. He thought about this the whole day and he decided to do this because he wants to show him. To show Jungkook that he's still having a pride and ego as well.

He doesn't want to lose like that easily.

Not long after, steps can be heard as Taehyung straightens himself and takes a look of the unwelcomed guest. Taehyung lets out a small smirk as his eyes spot Jungkook few steps away from him. The younger male is having the same evil smirk on his face as he tilts his head slightly.

"How sweet, are you missing me, hyung?" Jungkook provokes first.

Taehyung scoffs at him, "I miss the girl. Not you."

Jungkook is understand what all of this will go. He presses his lips into thin line before he says out, "Chaeyoung? She's really beautiful and kind."

"And you did her dirty..."

There's a change of Taehyung's tone as he says that sentence. But in another hand, Jungkook's eyes turn darker and dead silence is filling the air. Taehyung holds up his head high, trying to look tough but provoking him at the same time, "That wasn't love you know."

"Shut up. She likes me." Jungkook replies immediately.

"Tch..." Taehyung snickers in disgust. "And do you like her too?" he mocks him.

Jungkook calms himself down, before pulling a smile on his face. A sly one. "Of course, I do."

"What a bullshit of yours." Taehyung shakes his head, eyes darkening as well. "You knew it." he adds before he walks slowly toward the maknae of BTS.

"You knew that I like her and you take her away from me. Pretend to be innocent in front of her when you are not!" Taehyung's voice raises slightly.

"She chooses me. Not you." Jungkook says with a smirk.

But Taehyung wipes that smirk off his face with a strong jab on Jungkook's jaw. "FUCK, JUNGKOOK! YOU DON'T DESERVE HER!" Taehyung shouts at him out of sudden.

Jungkook holds his hurting jaw as he looks back at Taehyung, before he moves fast toward Taehyung and he pulls his collars roughly, "Quit it! She's mine." he hisses at the older male.

"How dare you!" Taehyung spits out angrily.

Taehyung flips the situation, pressing Jungkook on the hard wall, choking him with his hand. Jungkook is surprised to see the sudden change from Taehyung. He grabs Taehyung's hand and he shoves it harshly from him after few seconds, making him breathless, gasping for oxygen.

But Taehyung won't stop himself. He gives Jungkook another sharp jab on the chin, making the younger boy spitting out fresh blood from his mouth before the older boy is kicking him countless on the stomach and body like Jungkook his punch bag as Taehyung groans out madly.

Jungkook can't fight back, he thinks of her suddenly. If Jungkook fights back at Taehyung, of course, Chaeyoung won't be happy and she might hate Jungkook for that. Because after all Taehyung is her friend. So, in the end, Jungkook lets himself to be Taehyung's punch bag as he collapses on the cold ground. Jungkook whimpers out his pain slowly, wincing weakly as the result of Taehyung's brutal attack.

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