Chapter 05 : You and I

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Chaeyoung walks out from her apartment in a one piece dress because today is such a nice day to wear a dress. She runs downstairs, brushing her hair repeatedly with her fingers. She's late. She forgets that Jungkook is picking up on her today. As she exits the building, she notices Jungkook lean on his car, hands in his jeans pocket.

He looks at Chaeyoung who approaches him with a reluctant smile on her face. Jungkook straighten himself, now looking down at her since he's taller. "I'm sorry, I'm late. I really forgot that you're picking me up." she says carefully, looking up at him.

Jungkook gives her a small nods, "Get in."

Both of them enter the car. After they put the seat-belts, Jungkook starts to drive away. Chaeyoung is feeling nervous around him. Should she make a conversation? She can tell that Jungkook is way different from Taehyung who likes to start a conversation. Fiddling her dress nervously with her fingers, she tries to start a conversation.

"Uh, it's so early... Have you eat a breakfast?"

Chaeyoung glances at him and surprisingly he glances back at her, "No."

A silence fills the air for the next two minutes, Chaeyoung looks around the street and she notices a monger at the road side. "Jungkook, can you move the car to the side? I need to buy something." she sends a request him which he grants immediately.

"Thank you. Wait a minute."

Chaeyoung goes out from the car. She runs to the monger as Jungkook keeps his eyes on her, hands on the steering wheel. "What are you doing, Chaeyoung?" he mumbles quietly, noticing that she's going back to the car. Chaeyoung enters the car with a plastic bag in hand. Jungkook stares at her as she lets out a steamed bun from the inside.

She hands one to him as she says, "Here, you should get a breakfast."

Jungkook takes the bun from her, glancing at her, "How about you?"

"I ate my breakfast already." she says at him, placing a water bottle beside him.

Jungkook takes a bite, pointing to the plastic bag, "And the rest is for?"

"Oh, it's for Taehyung. I bet he won't eat breakfast because of his hand, right?" she explains to him, tapping on tha plastic bag with a small smile on her face.

"He won't eat breakfast too even his hand is okay." Jungkook mumbles.

Chaeyoung chuckles at him, "Just like you?"

Jungkook stares at her, making her fluster under his stare. "W-what it is?" she asks him.

"You don't address Taehyung hyung as an older boy?" Jungkook asks her.

"He's older?" she gasps in such surprising news.

"He is two years older than us." Jungkook tells her.

Chaeyoung bites her lower lip as she realizes about something, "Us? How can you know I'm younger than him?" she asks him, getting curious as Jungkook is cursing himself under his breath. It makes him sound like a stalker, you know?

"What else? He told me." Jungkook says.

Chaeyoung nods her head, "I see. How old are you, Jungkook?"

"I'm 21." Jungkook answers her.

After Jungkook finishes his bun, he starts to drive again. This time, the atmosphere in between them is turning into ease as Chaeyoung tries to keep talking to him. Chaeyoung isn't as nervous as before, he's quite nice actually. Jungkook himself is getting comfortable with her. Slowly, Taehyung's apartment is getting nearby. Jungkook slows down the car as soon as the car stops Chaeyoung turns at Jungkook.

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