Chapter 19 : Turning Point

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"Don't you dare to peek!"

Chaeyoung groans softly, "Where are you taking me, Jungkook?"

Jungkook lets out a small giggle, dragging the blind-folded Chaeyoung carefully to the secret place. He grabs her hands gently as the two are getting closer to the secret place. "Jungkook, why it's so windy in here?"

"Shh, you will love it." he whispers softly.

Chaeyoung blushes for unknown reason, and few seconds later he stops her. He moves back to remove her blindfold gently, "Close your eyes..." he whispers again, placing the blindfold into his pocket as Chaeyoung is still closing her eyes.

"Now open your eyes slowly."

Chaeyoung opens her eyes slowly and a beautiful scenery of grass field with a strong, tall tree on the top of one of the hills in front of them. And her eyes catch something strange there. She looks at Jungkook immediately, "Jungkook, you prepared... a picnic for us?" she can't help to smile.

"Well yeah..." Jungkook blushes slightly. "Let's go." he says after a nervous laugh.

Jungkook walks to their picnic area under the shade of the tree. Chaeyoung follows him closely, laughing with her soft voice after she takes a look at the food he prepared before. She takes a seat on the matt beside him as the male keeps on laughing nervously.

"You made all of this?" she asks him in wonder.

Jungkook scratches his nape shyly, "Y-yeah... The sandwiches, salad and the juice..."

She smiles at him, leaning closer to plant a kiss on his cheek, "Thank you, Jungkook." she whispers.

Chaeyoung pulls herself back, giggling at how cute he looks. Jungkook is blushing! Seconds later, he snaps out from it, taking a sandwich from the basket and he gives it to her. "Ah, why I'm feeling nervous out of sudden?" he mumbles softly as Chaeyoung nudges his shoulder playfully.

"I don't know but you look cute today!" she squeals at him.

Jungkook grins at her suddenly, "But I look cute everyday."

Chaeyoung laughs softly, opening the plastic wrap of the sandwich and she takes her first bite. Jungkook looks at her with a high expectation of his food, but the girl doesn't show any reaction. "It's good, right?" he asks her.

"Yeah. Obviously, sooooooooooooooooo good!"

She gives him a small evil smirk as the guy chuckles at her, "Honest opinion please."

"I was telling you the truth!"

"Nah, you didn't."


"Chae, stop talking while you're eating."

"You said you want an opinion an- UGH!" as expected, Chaeyoung chokes on her food. Jungkook taps her back gently as she coughs quite bad. Jungkook hands her the juice and she drinks it immediately. Seconds later, her face is turning red. "That was bad." she comments out.

"I told you."

"Thanks, Jungkook." she smiles at him.

And out of sudden, Jungkook reaches out his hand, giving a gentle pat on her head. She turns to see him in the eyes when Jungkook leans closer to her and he gives her a kiss on the crown of her head. Chaeyoung holds her breath because of the sudden sweet move from him.

She looks up at him when he pulls away slowly, looking down into her eyes. "Chaeyoung, I love you so much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Jungkook whispers those words to her as she gives him a small smile, eyes are full of tears. Tears of joy.

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