Chapter 03 : Just Another Day

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Chaeyoung walks into the cashier table, starting her shift. It's only 9 in the morning. But the cafe is getting crowded with some young people who searches for a breakfast. Chaeyoung works hard as usual until she notices Taehyung in the line of the people. She smiles a little bit when it's his turn.

"Hello." he greets her.

"Hello." Chaeyoung greets him back.

"I come for a frappe coffee, but this time, make an americano too." Taehyung says.

Chaeyoung nods her head. "Which table are you?" she asks him.

"Table 11." he says.

Taehyung pays for the drinks then. He comes to his own table after that. In Table 11, another boy sits with an arrogant look on his face. Taehyung hits that another boy's arm as he laughs, "Yah, Jeon Jungkook! What's with that arrogant look? You're gonna scaring the whole customers in this cafe with that face."

Jungkook sighs out, "I'm so tired, hyung. And the crowd in here is irritating me so much."

Taehyung grins at Jungkook, "I think you should get some rest after this. But I'm sure, a cup of an americano will make you better after this."

Jungkook nods his head but he grumbles to Taehyung, "And why you picked this place out of all places? Americano in this place isn't that great."

The older boy looks at the cashier table before he looks back at the younger boy, "Their americano might be not so great, but their frappe coffee is. Beside, do you remember the girl last night? The one who left with me?"

Jungkook recalls the girl for a moment, and he clearly remembers about the girl. But Jungkook shakes his head to Taehyung, "I don't remember any girls from last night." he says in cold voice.

"Jinjja? You must be so tired. Well, her name is Chaeyoung, she's the same age as you. She's beautiful and she looks very innocent. Last night, during the ride, she talked like a shy girl. She's definitely so my type. And she's the cashier-lady and also the waiter in this place." Taehyung explains to Jungkook.

Jungkook snickers, "I come with you not to hear your date story, hyung."

Taehyung laughs with a small blush on his cheeks. "Sorry, Jungkook."

Jungkook and Taehyung talk about the new choreographies for the next battle in few days again. They also talk about the hidden card from each group, like example iKON, their hidden card is a member named Goo Junhoe, although he's not their main dancer, but his move is so manly and eye-catching so he always get a solo dance in some battles. Meanwhile in another group, GOT7, their hidden card is a martial art like movement and soft yet sharp moves.

Jungkook looks at behind Taehyung, noticing the waiter – Chaeyoung is walking to their way with drinks on her tray. Chaeyoung walks to Table 11 with a frappe coffee and americano when she notices a boy from last night. The boy she bumped into and who was scanning her appearance from head to toe. But Chaeyoung just pretends to ignore him as she stands beside the table.

"Excuse me, Table 11? A frappe coffee and an americano?" she asks them.

"Oh, Chaeyoung. Yes, just put it here." Taehyung says to her.

Chaeyoung puts down the frappe in front of Taehyung and the americano in front of that another boy. "Enjoy the drinks." she smiles at them. Chaeyoung is about to leave when Taehyung calls her name again. She stops herself, turning to see Taehyung.

"Do you need anything else?" she asks him.

"Can I... Can I take you home again?" he asks her.

Blood rushes to her cheeks, "But, my shift will end in 8 by the night, aren't you need to go to The Base to dance? " she tries to reject him. She's still shy around him, it's because she's never getting close with a man for the 21 years of her life.

Taehyung laughs at her, "There's no battle tonight. So, I'll pick you up in 8?"

Chaeyoung just wants to face palm herself in embarrassment, "Okay, I'll wait then." she gives him a faint smile. Chaeyoung excuses herself after that, going back to work. Taehyung smiles at himself, feeling happy about later. He turns to face the table again, Jungkook rolls his eyes to see Taehyung like that.

"That's fast." Jungkook comments out.

"Did you see the blush on her cheeks?" Taehyung asks Jungkook.

"Which cheeks of her?" Jungkook gives Taehyung a sly expression.

Taehyung hits Jungkook's arm immediately, "Yah! Stop that. You make me imagine things you know?"

Jungkook lets out a small laugh at Taehyung, taking a sip of his americano as his eyes find its way to the Chaeyoung on the cashier table. She serves the customer with her warm smile, nice attitude and calm eyes. Jungkook finds himself staring at her too much.

I need to stop.

She's not my type.

But Jungkook stares at her again.


Tonight is just another busy night in The Base. It has been few days too since the last time Taehyung met Chaeyoung. He misses her so bad, but this job as a dancer is more important in the moment than his feelings to Chaeyoung.

BTS just performed on the stage, as expected they won again and they're still sitting comfortably as the 1st rank. Namjoon nudges on Taehyung as the younger boy turns his head to the older boy, "What's it?"

Namjoon grins at Taehyung, "What's up with Chaeyoung?"

Taehyung lets out a small chuckle, "She's busy with her work. I'm busy too."

Namjoon nods his head, "I thought a particular boy wasn't letting you to meet her." he glances at Jungkook. Taehyung looks at Jungkook as the maknae groans at them.

"I wasn't preventing anyone to meet anyone, okay?" Jungkook rolls his eyes.

Taehyung laughs, "Of course, you weren't. But I just realized about it. Namjoon hyung might be right. You asked us to practice non-stop lately." Taehyung teases Jungkook, high-fiving with Namjoon with a smug smile.

Jungkook scoffs at his hyungs, "I'm sorry then."

Namjoon lets out a mocking smile at Jungkook as Taehyung laughs at him. "I'm sorry, maknae-ah. We know you worked hard the most! If it wasn't you, we won't be here, talking freely to each other and to other groups as the 1st rank." Taehyung says at Jungkook.

Jungkook sighs out, "Such a wise words, hyung. I'll go home first."

Namjoon widens his eyes, "But you don't bring car though? You came with me, right?"

"I feel like walking to home." Jungkook says. "Bye."

Jungkook exits The Base as soon as possible with a hood over his head to prevent any fangirls comes to him. He walks down to the dark alley before he turns to a bigger yet empty road. He looks up to see the night sky. The moon is shining so brightly, it's such a breath-taking view for him. He looks back to the street as his eyes find something interesting across the road.

Walking through the night in her long coat is Chaeyoung. Jungkook notices that she's alone. He looked around him before he decides to across the road and he follows her secretly. Her long brown straight hair is dancing with the cold breeze as she tighten her coat to her body. Jungkook doesn't know why he does this thing, following her?!

He stops when Chaeyoung stops few steps away in front of him. He decides to hide when Chaeyoung turns her head suddenly. He hides beside a big pole, peeking on her. Chaeyoung frowns as she starts to walk again, getting faster this time.

Jungkook follows her immediately, getting rid of the hood. Chaeyoung doesn't turn around anymore until soon she reaches a building. Jungkook stops himself, "So, you're living in here." he mumbled before he decides to across the road once more. He looks up to the particular window on the five floors.

The light just turned on in that window and he smirks in a mysterious way.

Jungkook throws his hood over his head again as he walks away.


To be continue

Short update! Chapter 04 will be longer~


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