Chapter 13 : Is This Love?

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"Oh, look at Chaeyoung." Lisa squeals in high-pitched voice.

The three of BLACKPINK girls are enjoying the view of Chaeyoung and Taehyung that walk together side by side to the exit of The Base. Jisoo smiles dreamily as she says, "Chaeyoung seems to like him." Jisoo wriggles her eyebrows to Lisa and Jennie.

"Nah, for me she likes the Jungkook guy." Lisa denies her.

Jennie smirks at the end, "No, no, no, all of you are wrong. I think Chaeyoung isn't liking any of them. The boys are liking her. It's obvious."

Jisoo and Lisa agree to Jennie's statement immediately. As they talk about Chaeyoung and her love stories, a boy approaches them. The three of them turn silent as they notice the boy that stands up beside Jisoo.

"Can I talk to her for a moment?" he asks them while pointing his hand to Jisoo.

Jennie and Lisa smirk right away, "Okay, we will go first!" Lisa squeals excitedly and she drags Jennie from the scene immediately to give Jisoo some privacy with the boy.

Jisoo glares at her members, before she looks back at the boy beside her. "What do you want, Jin-ssi?"

The boys smiles, "My name is Kim Seokjin."

Jisoo lifts an eyebrow, "Huh?"

"You were great on the stage. I didn't get the chance to talk to you earlier. So, that's why I want to talk with you now." Seokjin smiles again. Damn, he's handsome.

She is surprised to see how bold he is. "What do you want to talk about?" Jisoo asks him.

Seokjin looks away for a moment, " Um..." he thinks for an answer, "About us."



Jisoo shakes her head, "You said you want to talk about us?"

"Did I?" Seokjin lifts a brow.

"Don't play dumb." Jisoo rolls her eyes.

"I'm not playing." Seokjin shrugs his shoulders.

Jisoo throws a disgusting look at him, "If you're not playing then don't disturb me."

"So, if I'm playing I can disturb you?" Seokjin asks again.

"What?!" Jisoo takes a step back.

"What is what?" Seokjin frowns for a moment.

Jisoo is shaking her head, "You're talking nonsense. I'm leaving." Jisoo says to him.

"Let's leave together!" Seokjin blocks her way.

Jisoo stops immediately, looking up at him in surprised, "Huh?"

"I said let's leave together." Seokjin stares into her eyes and Jisoo feels something strange as he looks at her like that. Ugh, why he is so handsome? My poor heart. Seokjin smiles when he sees Jisoo is nodding her head slowly.


Taehyung stops the car in front of Chaeyoung's apartment building. They talked about many stuffs during the ride and now they're just being quiet as Taehyung turns off the engine of the car. Chaeyoung smiles a little bit as she turns to see Taehyung.

"Thanks for the ride."

Taehyung turns to see her, nodding his head, "You're welcome."

Chaeyoung removes her seat-belt, looking at her lap. She plays with her fingers before she asks to him, "Uh, do you want to come over?"

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