Chapter 06 : A Day With You

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Chaeyoung and Taehyung enter his apartment after they visit a nearby Lotte Mart and bring groceries to fill Taehyung's poor refrigerator. Chaeyoung is the one who is responsible for placing the groceries into the refrigerator as Taehyung just sits while playing with his phone.

He puts his phone when Chaeyoung is approaching him, taking the seat beside him, "Taehyung, do you have napkin? I spilled something."

"Oh, it's on the storage room. Come." Taehyung walks first as Chaeyoung follows him.

To get into the storage room, they must passed a washing room, and Chaeyoung is gasping dramatically when she sees his laundry at the corner of the room. "Omo, how many days you didn't do your laundry?" she asks him.

Taehyung opens the storage rooms, grabbing a napkin from there. "Uh, only few days..."

"I never understand boys and their habits. You should wash this now." Chaeyoung commands him.

Taehyung chuckles, "I'm trying to save water you know."

"That's stupid." Chaeyoung shrugs her shoulders, taking the napkin from him. Chaeyoung crosses her arms, looking irritated with Taehyung's laundry badly. "You better do all of this now. I'll clean up the kitchen and cook something for lunch."

"Yes, ma'am." he plays captain and subordinates with her.

Chaeyoung rolls her eyes in annoyance as she exits the room to clean up the kitchen first. Taehyung closes the storage room and he takes some clothes and put it on the washing machine. He works in silence as sometime he will try to peek at the kitchen to see what she's doing.

Chaeyoung works hard too. She plans to cook something good for Taehyung since he might never eat any home made foods since he can't cook and he's living alone. Chaeyoung puts the ingredients into the soup and she puts the lid on. She leaves the kitchen to check on Taehyung. She notices he's doing the laundry pretty fast. The washing machine is still working as he's busy steaming the hanging clothes to get rid wrinkles from the clothes.

"You're fast." Chaeyoung leans on the door.

"Because I'm so capable." Taehyung grins, making the girl chuckles as she turns around.

"Come to the kitchen after this. Lunch is ready." Chaeyoung says to him.

"Chaeyoung..." Taehyung calls her.

"Neh?" she looks at him back.

Taehyung smiles at her, "You're just like my wife you know."

Chaeyoung laughs at him, "I didn't remember we're married?" she smiles and she goes to the kitchen.

Taehyung turns off the steaming machine, walking to the washing machine and he takes out the last group of the laundry to the drying machine. Taehyung exits the washing room and he heads into the kitchen. Chaeyoung glances at him as he washes his hand before he sits across her.

"Thanks for the food." Taehyung says to her.

Chaeyoung nods her head, grabbing the chopsticks and she starts to eat. Taehyung is looking at her, doesn't touch his food yet. He grabs the chopsticks slowly as he says to her, "I'm surprised you're a left-handed person." Taehyung says.

Chaeyoung looks up at him, "You just knew this?"

"I'm a left-handed person too. I think we're destined." Taehyung whispers.

Chaeyoung shakes her head with a small smile on her face. "That's funny. But I tell you, you only know me few days ago." she chuckles at him.

"I bet you're full of unexpected charms." he says at her.

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