A new beginning

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"So, what do you wanna do now?" I asked Damon, playfully.

"Hmm, I wanna whisk you away and eat you up", he said with a hungry look in his eyes. But that was a different 'eating up'.

I blush and smack him in his arms.

We are in the middle of our wedding reception.

Yes, we got married soon after returning from our trip to Hawaii.

My mom was on top of the world when we announced that we'll be getting married soon.

Anyway, today during the day, we exchanged vows and rings. I was ecstatic and so was Caroline because she got to dress me up.

It was a small gathering of my friends and relatives. Elena was my maid of honour while Bonnie and Care were bridesmaid.

Stefan was, obviously, Damon's best man. And Jeremy and Tyler were partners to Bonnie and Caroline.

Describing how Damon looked in his suit will be devalued because it cannit be simply put into words.

Soon, we were making our way through the archway of our loved ones, who were gleefully shooting rice at us. At the end of it, a stretched limo stands, decorated beautifully with purple and white ribbons and flowers matching my dress.

"You ready for the journey?" Damon asks.

"More than ready for our journey together", I say and stretch on my toes to kiss him as a mark of silent promise.

Elena comes up to me and hugs me close, "Take care,Annette. Have fun. Just don't get knocked up", she says teasing me.

"Vampires can't procreate, but we love to try", Damon sneers at her.

I shrug at her apologetically.

"Take care of her, Stefan", I hug him and say, before getting onto the car.

We wave at the gathering and Damon takes my hand.

Smiling at each other, we feel the car take the road.

Here we go.

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