Water Splash

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This morning, I woke up to a bright light next to Damon's peaceful body. He looks so carefree when he's asleep, like a child. I take a few minutes to appreciate his flawless features. Eyelashes fanned out against his chin, a perfect nose, sculpted lips and a light stubble.

Mmmmm... I drink him in.

I move to give him a quick peck but he wakes up at that very moment.

"Guilty", I say after kissing him chastly.

"Breakfast, Mrs. Salvatore?", he raises his brows behind his double meaning words.

"You are insatiable, Mr. Salvatore. But no. Not now. So, whats our plan for today?", I ask, putting my legs on either side of him.

"Lets go parasailing", he suggests, excited like a little school boy.

Seeing him so excited, I couldn't say him no.

"Sounds like a plan", I grin.

We are at the bay and we are being strapped into our life jackets. As if we'll need these. I roll my eyes at Damon and he smirks at the ironic situation.

"Are you guys ready?", the instructor asks.

"As I'll ever be", I mutter and Damon just grins widely. At that moment, I swoon seeing his happiness and carefree look. He is enjoying this. He is happy. We are happy. I blow him a kiss and the motors starts.

Whew! The water is attacking my body like little pieces of glass and the next thing I know, I am airborne.

Whoa!! Such a sight and the rush of adrenenile in my body. Its an experience I never had before. Its breathtaking and seeing Damon enjoying is wholly another thing.

After parasailing, we go to the nearest beach shack for a drink and rest for a while, watching people enjoying, dancing and away from their troubles.

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