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I shifted into different spaces. To and fro yet still not moved at all. The pain was fading away, my system giving out. Slowly but surely. My body lies still and I find myself as an individual being. A dead living. I see myself, lying on the floor with a burnt hand, tear stained cheeks, hair in a scary set up, lips twitched in pain. Yet I smile. Happy that I don't feel the physical pain and the emotional pain is just a faint reminder of the events. It doesn't hurt like before. It doesnt hurt at all.

I am at peace in this state. Happy to watch over others. I walk out of the door and see my mother crying helplessly. I want to tell her to stop. To comfort her. But I can't. I hear my phone ringing. Walk to it. It says Elena calling.

She doesn't know what happened. She doesn't have to. I want her to be happy.

Damon, he will surely move on in a second. It did not take him much time to move on even when he was married. When we were married. We are. But maybe I wasn't enough for him. He will get better lovers than me. Much better. And maybe I can keep a watch over him too. Keep him safe even in my unworldly presence.

And I feel it. Some of the earlier pain returning. No, I wont let it return.

I am distracted by a commotion of blaring horns and many cars screeching to a halt on the driveway. And people babbling. Voices I know.

Damon, Elena, Stefan, Bonnie, Jeremy, Tyler, Care, Matt and a few more.

My mother rushes downstairs and checks the commotion.

I look from the window. She looks at Elena and breaks down. Both of them hugging each other. Caroline arguing angrily with Damon. And Stefan trying to keep Jer from hitting Damon.

Jeremy. You will get hurt. He won't be affected, I wanted to say. I looked at my body again. And it looks like the physical pain is over too. My face looks like I am at peace yet devastated.

They rush to my room and Damon, he breaks the door.

I see him. He sees my body. Burnt body. And he looks like the floor under his feet gave away. He held up his hands to his hair. Pulled them and shouted. No. No. No. Stay with me Ann. No. What have you done. What have I done. This is my fault. It is my punishment. You do not suffer. I should. Ann, wake up. No, don't leave me. Always and Forever, Ann. He cried, hugging me. My burnt body. Taking my still head onto his laps. Stroking my hair, hoping that I will open my eyes. He kisses me. To wake me up. But this is not a fairy tale. He is my Prince Charming. But I ain't his Snow White. She is.

My mother enters the room and she is nearly faint. She looks at my body and lunges at me, cries incoherent pleas to me to wake up. To see her. My heart curls. Stefan is holding Elena, who is crying with heavy grief into his arms.

They should get their Forever, I pray.

Everyone is crying and Jeremy hits Damon. Damon doesn't notice. He is still like a statue, staring into my closed eyes. Tears trailing down his cheeks.

No Damon. Don't cry. I am not enough. Never was. It hurts but I have finally realise that we were in a false paradise where everything was perfect. We were perfect, for each other. You still are to me but I am not to you.

"Ann, this cannot happen. You promised you will never leave me. Never. Annette, I love you. Do not do this to me. I should have suffered. This was supposed to be my punishment. Why did you take it. I am not a good person like you thought I was.

Everyone around me gets hurt. But I will not let anything happen to you. That bitch, I wam going to kill her. Rip her heart out. Tear her into pieces", Damon kept saying.

"What do you mean it happened because of you?", Stefan asked.

Damon said nothing. Kept silent, stroking my cheeks and hair.

Stefan came in front of him and slapped him across the face.

Damon did nothing. Did not retaliate. Elena slapped him harder. He did nothing.

"Why did it happen?", asked Stefan.

"Kill me. I want to be with her. Kill me", he answered.

When no one did anything, Damon broke my chair and put the wooden piece inside his chest, trying to put it through his heart. Stefan took hold of it and struggled to pull it out.

NOOOOO, I screamed. But my voice couldn't be heard. By anyone.

Mom had already fainted from shock and grief and Bonnie stood against her. With Tyler who was consoling Care.

Bonnie muttered sonething which causwd Damon to cringe in pair. And she did it again. And again. With the intensity increasing everytime.

Stefan told her to stop. Sge did not. Elena requested. She did not stop. Damon was bent in pain but he did not oppose. He want Bonnie to kill him. And he knows that she will.

I could not watch him being in pain and my friends crying over me. I left them to be alone.


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