Race Against Time

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"Bonnie, can you help her?", asked Stefan, keeping himself together when the others are not.

"I don't know if I am powerful enough. Or strong enough to upset destiny." Bonnie said, hanging her head low and weeping.

"She is one of your bestfriend, Bonnie. Are you going to let her just die? You have done such great things in the past and you have been successful. Please Bonnie, save your friend", Stefan pleaded.

"I want to, I do. But I need permisson from my ancestors to do this kind of magic and it will be hard to make them agree." Bonnie is getting helpless.

Its okay Bonnie. I don't want to be saved.

"But that means there is a way. We will make your ancestors understand. Just once, Bonnie. Please," Stefan, the ever optimistic one.

"Take her to the Boarding House", replied Bonnie at last.

Stefan moved to pick my body up but Damon blocked him.

"No one is touching her." he said it in a voice which meant no arguments and thankfully, Stefan said nothing.

No, don't do this. I don't want to live.

But I was taken to our house by Damon and others followed.

Once inside, he placed me on our bed and the room got crowded with everyone.

" I need some space and silence to do this", said Bonnie is a quiet voice but everyone at once went silent.

"I need everyone to go out of the room", She elaborated in a stronger voice and they followed her order. Everyone except Damon, who is still sitting by my side. Holding my hand, the good one.

"Didn't you hear? I said get out of the room", Bonnie was being aggresive towards Damon.

"What makes you think I will?", replied Damon, equally fierce.

"You did this. You are the one responsible for her condition. Don't make me use my magic against you", warned Bonnie.

"She is my wife, witch. And instead of telling me the things which I already know, would you mind tending to her?", Damon's voice was acidic.

Bonnie chose to keep quiet and closed her eyes.

She started chanting and a violent wind blows, shattering the windows.

Bonnie's eyes rolled in a weird way. And her intensity increased and the pressure of the task was evident on her face.

And I started to feel a pull from within.

She was getting my spirit to join the body. I did not want to. I resisted.

She felt it, my resistance. And the chanting escalated.

She put so much force that she started to bleed from her nose and I couldn't resist her power.

Everything went black. I disconnected from myself.

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