The story behind her.

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We had all gone out for a few drinks but I could tell that it will be a long night, mainly because that "husband stealing psycho" is with us and also because we never finish with a few drinks.

Here I am, already on my third cosmo. It tastes so cosmo-y.

Before that, I also had two mojitos and a beer.

There is free flow of discussion going on and an equal flow of alcohol around the around.

Damon has compelled the bartender to put the drinks on the house, even though I didn't want him to.

"So Ann, how's it going?", Care asks me.

"Its going awesome", I say, mostly to send it toward Briana so that she would back off.

"Briana, you never really told us about your past, you know, what bought you to Mystic Falls and stuff.

"Oh its nothing actually. Circumstances led me here. I was on a search and it bought me to Mystic Falls." She says and for the first time, I sense sadness in her voice and see a glint of tear in her eyes.

"What search? If you don't mind me asking", Caroline's curiosity gets the better of her.

Briana quickly looks at me and then at Damon. She thinks that I didn't notice her glance.

Why did she look at us? Maybe because she didn't want me to know her weakness. But I did want to know.

"I was born in New Jersey. Back in the days, I was really happy with my family and we were a closed knit family. My parents and my brother loved me so much. I loved them back equally. There was no one that could separate us from each other. But someone did"- she said and paused to give a hard stare at Damon. He narrowed his eyes at her, as if he was trying hard to remember something. She continued-" and the man did tear us apart. In a very brutal way. He killed my family infront of my own eyes just because I was on vervain and resisted his compulsion. He couldn't get his way, so he killed my entire family. I was able to escape somehow."

While she was saying her story, Damon noticably became stiff and his eyes grew wide, like in realisation.

" I made a promise to myself. To avenge my family's murder. So I went on a search of that murderer and it led me to Mystic Falls", she finished her story with a venomous hatred in her eyes.

"You're her. How can you be alive? You were supposed to be dead", Damon whispered in shock.

Everyone looked at both of them, confused.

"Yes, Damon. I am her. I see that you haven't forgotten me", she replied.

"Whats going on?", I asked, breaking the silence and utterly confused.

I think I know whats going on but I didn't want to believe it.

"Annette, I want you to know that I do not have any personal grudge against you but for his actions, you are suffering," she said.

"Brother, will you please explain to us what she's saying?", Stefan asks.

"Damon, don't say that its what I am thinking it is", Elena says and Care already mouthed a silent " Oh. My. God".

Damon looks at all of us and then finally looks at me before speaking, "It is what you all think. I am the murdered. I killed her entire family. Tore them apart. Briana, I regret all my past actions. I regret killing innocent people just because it pleased me. I had lost my humanity, I was a monster. I am still but now Ann is the one leading me into a new life.

I cannot say what you must have went through. And apologising isn't enough and will never be. But I have already died a thousand deaths when Ann tried to kill herself. Please accept that as my punishment. Will you pleasw forgive me?" He finishes and by that time, Briana is silently crying and I do not hate her anymore. I get up and Damon turns to me. "Don't. You and I have lots of talking to do", I say and go to Briana to console her and give her a hug.

"Its okay, Briana. Now I can understand your behaviour towards me. You are stronger than you know. Don't lose that strenght", I say to her and she hugs me back. I think we will not be against each other's throat again.

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