Of food and wines

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Elena leaves me soon after as Stefan needed her help for something. So now I am spread on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Mom will be here after some time! This thought cheers me up and I jump out of the bed to get ready for dinner.

What to wear, I think whilst staring at my closet.

A pink skirt peeps out from the pile and I pull that out with a white shirt. Looks like I'll be dressed up in formals. Taking those, I walk up to the mirror and gaze at the skirt for a short time. Hmmm... its not hoing well. I think.

At that moment, theres a knock at my door and I go to open it. Damon.

"Hi", I say and rise on my toes to kiss him on the lips. Slowly, my hands make their way to his hair and he places his hands on the small of my back.

"Hi", he replies after the kiss.

He's in a good mood and he is carrying something.

Holy Fudge! A dress.

"Where.... wha--..., omg", I stammer.

It was a dress that I had liked during one of our shopping trips during our honeymoon. But I didn't buy as it was a little too high priced. I didn't think that Damon noticed my desire for that dress.

It was a blue halter dress with frills at its hem and a black ribbon belt.

"I knew you wanted this", he says and smirks.

I hug him and murmur a thank you.

Everyone have arrived except my mom. She said that she's on her way so all of us are sitting around casually and talking about random stuff.

Approximately 15 minutes later, we hear the engine being cut off. Mom's finally here!! Yay.

I rush to open the door and as she entered, I jumped into her and squeezed the life out of her. Metaphorically.

"Oh Annette, I missed you too", she says hugging me back and a big lump forms in my throat.

"Mom, its been so long. How I missed you. I don't want to be away from you", I say as tears slide down my cheeks.

At this moment, I don't know if I will be able to stay in the Boarding house forever. I need to talk it out with Damon and I don't know how he will take it.

But for the time being, I put these thoughts aside and lean back to enjoy a great dinner with my close and loved ones.

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