The Start-up

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From the airport, Damon drove us to a grand hotel and handed the keys to the valet.

"Come on, senorita", he said to me holding out his hands.

I hold his hand and laugh, "this ain't the France"

"But its my mouth, ain't it? I can say whatever I want", he stated.

"Yeah, righteous Damon. As if that stops you from saying other stuffs that are completely crazy", I say and roll my eyes at him.

"Hey, don't roll your eyes. Its Damon humour", he smirks.

With that, we make our way to the reception area.

The pretty lady behind the desk greets us warmly.

I smile at her while Damon just nods.

"The penthouse, please. In the name of Salvatore." He informed her.

She checks up with the computer and confirmed to Damon.

I look at him, wide eyed.

"Penthouse?", I mouth.

"Nothing but the best", he said and winked. He gets what he wants. How can I ever change it!

Giving up, I trail behing him to the glass elevatores.

The elevatore pings and opens to let us in. I am pleasently surprised to notice that we are the only people in it considering that the hotel was a busy one.

"Yeah yeah. This is ours too", he confirms my suspicion.

"You can do that? Compelling much?", I ask sarcastically.

"I hate to break it to you but, no. This elevator only caters to the penthouse and since it is ours for quite some time or days, the elevatore is ours too", he points out, making me feel dumb.

I stick my tongue out at him and he wraps his hands around me.

"As much as I would like to take you right here, I wouldn't want the good people to see my wife in the throes of passion", he whispers, all sexily and his teeth grazes my earlobes.

"I am sure we can work that out", I mutter, breathless.

Right on cue, the ping signals that we've reached our destination on the 50th floor.

As I am about to set my foor out of the elevator, Damon scoops me up in his arms. Surprised, I let out a squeel.

"Hey, what are you doing? Put me down."

"Idiot, I'm carrying you over the threshold", Damon simply says.

"Oh," I say, feeling like a fool.

Damon gives me a knowing look and it is enough to tell what will follow after.

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