The Final Kiss

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We went to another club and this one had better music.

We had put the incident in the back of our minds.

Stefan is getting oh so cozy with Elena and Caroline is getting the drinks for us.

Briana was still with the bartender at the other club.

"Wanna dance now?", Damon says, with a smirk.

"No, I've learnt my lesson for today".

"Good for you. And you'll be dancing only for me", he said and winked at me.

Care came with the drinks right at that moment and said "Uh guys, get a room. Its getting too mushy here".

"Says the girl who's always busy with Tyler", Elena backs.

Care just stuck out her tongue at Elena and Stefan.

We take our drinks and clink the glasses together.

"A toast to being together, forever", I say.

"Forever", everyone repeats.

"And you being only mine, till eternity", Damon raises a toast to me.

"Always and Forever", I say.

Damon looked me in the eye and bought his lips closer to mine.

In that moment, I felt no other person, no other thing. It was just me and him, in our own private bubble.

His lips found mine, sealing the promise.

I have Damon in my life, by my side always. What more can I want?

And I have him all by myself.

Life is good. No, its great actually.

An Eternity, Together.


So guys, there you have it. The last chapter of the sequel.

I wanted to apologize for the spelling mistakes that I may have committed. So sorry!
You guys have been wonderful readers and I've really had fun writing this story.
I have done fanfiction but now I want to try it other genres.
I hope I keep getting your support and love.
To know about my next book, follow me here or on Instagram @blueberrybelt.
Thank You, wonderful readers :)

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