Ever Present

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After our intense "session", we are lying on our backs on the bed.

"A penny for your thoughts?", Damon asks.

I turn to him and say, " Its nothing. Elena just mentioned that a new girl has moved in."

"Visitor move in or staying move in?"

"I don't know. She just told me that there's a new one."

We are just lying back incomfortable silence when we hear the main door open downstairs and hear Stefan's voice.

"Shit, they're here", I say and jump up in terror. I am, well, without my clothes and there is Stefan downstairs and he will surely notice the luggages in the hall, which will lead him to our room. Obviously he'll knock but I don't want to take a chance.

I scramble about hastily wear my jeans but I can not find my top.

Damon is leisurely strolling as if we are in some garden and he is grinning wickedly. Meanwhile, Stefan calls out Damon's name and I hear him making his way up. Shit. I am only in my jeans. I look widw eyed at Damon and then I see the reason for his wicked grin. He has my shirt in his hands and he is in no mood to return it to me. And Stefan is just about near our door.

Not knowing what to do, I spot his shirt in the corner of the bed and rush to take and wear it.

Just at that moment, Stefan knocks at our door and Damon tells him to come in.

My face is all flushed up and Damon has thankfully worn his jeans while I was fretting about my shirt.

"Welcome back, brother and my dear sister in law", he smiles all cheerily at us and I don't know what came over me that I almost ran to hug him. I hugged him and for a long time. I am sure he was confused because I never hugged him so intimately. Just a formal half hug sometimes.

Its good being back.

After some time, I leave him and move closer to Damon.

"You are pretty happy to be home", Stefan marks.

"You have no idea", I say, smiling. "Where is Elena", I ask.

"Uh, she's with Bonnie and Caroline", he answers clipped.

"Damon, you want a drink?", Stefan asks.

"Little Steffy, I'll make the drinks for the three of us now", he says and zoops downstairs.

Stefan smiles at me and asks, "So, how has it been"?

"Oh it was wonderful and Damon was like a new man", I exclaim.

"Glad you're back", he says and leaves me to get freshened up.

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