A bubble of our own

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Its been nearly three weeks into our honeymoon and so far its been lovely. But, I know that within a day or two, we have to be back to Mystic Falls.

At that very moment, I feel home sick. I miss everyone back home. Elena calls me up sometimes and other times I do but I miss hanging out with her. The other day when she called, she said that there is a new girl in town and she shifted next to Elena's.

Hmm.. another new girl. Until then, I was the "new girl" and now I'm not.

"Snap out of that mood, Ann". Damon threatens playfully. I turn to him and give him a confused look.

"You look sad", he says.

"Not sad, just homesick.", I confess.

"Getting bored of me so soon?", Damon acts surprised.

"Yeah. You are so boring, old man", I tease.

He growls and leaps at me, imprisoning me in his strong arms. I squeal and try hard to get out of the confines of his arms but to no avail.

"You shouldn't have said that", he says, nibbling at my earlobe, "now this old man is gonna kill you".

I giggle and say, "Techinally, I am already dead" and he laughs with me and says, "What a coincidence! Me too".

Aww, he can be so playful at times and so cocky at others. A mix of personalities. Multiple Personalities.

Breaking out of the embrace, he announces, "Our tickets are done. We're heading back day after tomorrow. So today, lets explore the streets".

"Mmm.. okay, as you wish", I smile at him. Yay, street shopping. Thats what I love.

I move up and call Room Service to order a bottle of bourbon and some icecream. Uncanny mix, I know. But the icecream is for me only. I hate to share them and well, Damon is incomplete without his trademark of bourbon.

Today's gonna be fun. I want to buy Damon something but he never lets me to do so. He always has to be the one gifting me things. We must have balance.

The things that he gives me is always high-end and given my limited availability of money, my choices have become smaller. Hmm... what can I give him... I wonder absentmindedly and get dressed in a yellow maxi dress. Its airy and summer-y.

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