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I hear voices around me but I cannot make myself to open my eyes.

"Bonnie, whats happening? Did you do it? Is she there?", I hear Damon asking.

"Yeah, its complete. She's there. She will come around in her own time", Bonnie says, strain evident in her voice.

"Are you alright?", Damon asks her.

"I'll be fine."

After an hour or maybe two, I flicker my eyes and open them to see Damon, storing right into my eyes.

"Oh Ann. You're back.  I was so worried.  Don't ever do that again. I thought I lost you. Ann, I love you.", Damon said in a rush.

I wanted to put my arms around him and say the same but instead, I do not make a move and lie limp while he embraces me, kissing me and stroking my hair,  waiting for my response. When he realises that I am honour going to reply, he nearly breaks down, begging me to say something.

"Annette, thank god you're alright.  We were so worried. Oh Bonnie,  thank you," Elena rushed to hug me and I hugged her back. Tears fell feely and I hugged her tighter.

One by one, everyone came and hugged me and it made it easier me to avoid Damon.

"Elena, can we be alone for a while? ", I said,  meaning to send Damon and the others from the room.

Bonnie and Caroline was about to leave too when I said that I wanted a Girl's day in. I actually wanted to make up for ruining Caroline's birthday and also because I wasn't ready to face Damon.

"Do you want to talk about it? ", Elena asked.

"Not now. Maybe later. " I said ascend wished Care and with that, I resolved to forget my problems for a while.  In a way I was running away from what was inevitable. But it is okay for me now.

With that, I tried to make up for ruining Care's day.

NOTE- I am having some problems with my wifi. So the chapters were not being updated. And as promised, there will be an extra chapter up by later today. Keep reading and thanks for your support :)

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