Back to a square one.

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All so soon, it was time to leave for the airport. It seemed just like yesterday that we got married but three heavenly weeks had passed. Hmm... every moment was interesting with Damon.

"Wake up, Sleeping beauty.", Damon says gently and nuzzles his nose in my hair. Oh, we have reached home. Well, almost. Now we just have to drive down to Mystic Falls! Finally. I am homesick and I miss my friends and mom.

"Dude, you're kidding", I blurt.

Damon gives me a confused look.

Infront of us is a classic car. Its vintage!

"This is?", I ask.

"Mine", Damon says simply. I narrow my eyes at him. Where did he get it? Of course, he stole it back in his time. But how come I haven't seen this before!

"Ready to go?" he asks.

"More than you know", I say and give him a quick kiss.

"Only this?", he says, feinging disappointment.

I put my finger on his beautiful face and whisper seductively, "I am your homecoming present. You'll get to unwrap me soon", I suggest.

He grins like a schoolboy and says, "Oh, Ann. I can't wait to unwrap my present".

I giggle with excitement and smack him lightly in his chest.

With this, we set off for home.

After an hour, we reach the Boarding House and we are greeted by silence. Thank god! Or else Elena wouldn't spare a minute to ambush me for details. At that thought, I blush. I glance at Damon and he is busy taking out the luggage. I haven't thought about what I'll say to Elena. She will not spare me.

I flush, remember his hands on me on our first night as a married couple. His tender kisses, his gentleness, his need for me, my need for him, our little moments together but so special. I am transported back to Rio.

"Hey, welcome home", Damon says, coming up from behind me and taking me by his lips.

Mmm... I can keep kissing Damon forever. After what seemed a long time, he breaks the kiss and says huskily, "I want to unwrap my present right now". Oh my. My knees turn to jelly and I'm glad that he picks me up in hus strong arms.

"Carrying you over the threshold", he smirks.

" Again?", I giggle.

Once we are inside the house, we can not keep our hands away from each other. Putting me down swiftly, he pims me to the wall and kisses me with renewed passion. But I ain't taking any prisoners. I put up a fight against his tongue and we fight for dominance.

My fingers move to tear up his shirt and he does the same. Wordlessly, with our fingers and tongues communicating, I claw his chest and he pins me harder with his body. I put greater force and suddenly, we zooped to the opposite wall. I give him a smirk and his lips move to my throat. Hus fangs grazes over my throat upto my earlobe.

I don't want to be seen half naked by Elena or Stefan so I signal him and up to his room. Well, our room.

We rush upstairs and I shut the door close.

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