Meeting Trouble

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After our little girls day in, Care said that she wanted a party. And that she is already throwing one so she doesnt want it to go waste. She commanded me to clean up and put on a dress for her party.

I sulked, whined but no one was taking any prisoners tonight.

Three of them bought their stuff to my house so that they can keep a check on me, though they denied the reason.

Giving up, I opened my closet only realising that I do not have much clothes here. All my clothes are in his closet.

Okay, I have a genuine reason now to not go but the girls are not letting me win.

"I brought this extra dress. Just in case", Elena sucked at lying.

I give her a look and she winks back.

While I was putting on the dress, my cell started to ring.


I ignore the call, letting it go to voicemail.

He calls again and I repeat the same thing until I switch it off.

"Wow, that dress looks better in you than on me", Elene said.

"Ya ya whatever", I said back.

"Don't forget to put a smile, even if its fake", Bonnie teased.

"The thing is he's gonna be there. I don't know how to handle it", I confessed.

"All you need is to completely ignore him. He deserves that. Bastard", Caroline chimes. "You're gonna be fine especially with us. We're gonna fire up the party", she added.

"And you can also meet the new girl. You haven't met her, have you?",Bonnie asks.

"No, I haven't", I answered.

"You'll like her. She's fun", Elena assures.

Okay, if they all like her, then maybe I'll too.

We reached the party a little late and almost everyone was there. Afterall, its Caroline's party. The Most Happening Party in Town.

When we opened the door and went in, everyone shouted a "Happy Birthday, Caroline" and Tyler came up and kissed her long and hard.

I see Stefan and the others. And also Damon, with another girl.

I look at everywhere but at him.

He catches my eye and makes a move towards me. In a bid to avoid him, I go towards Matt and get into a conversation with him. Elena then joins us with that girl, with whom I saw Damon. Seeing her, I have a feeling that she's bad news.

"Hey Annette, meet Briana and Briana, meet Annette", Elena introduces us abd I say her a "hey".

Then something happened which made it clear that she was not just any ordinary new girl.

"Hey, Annette", she sneered. That voice was awfully familiar.

She was the voice behind those phone calls made to Damon. She was the one who talked to me before I took the extreme step. And I am sure that her being here wasn't any coincidence or any friendly. She's here for a reason.

But to not make it obvious that I suspect her, I try to act normally with her and just then, Damon catches up with me.

"Hi", he says.

"What do you want?", I say in a monotonous voice, not letting him see the extent to which I am hurting. Atleast not with her around.

"Please hear me out, once", he pleaded.

"This is a party, Damon and I'm here to enjoy. Not brood over like a tragic hero", I answer stiffly.

With that, I turn to go in search of a known face.

I give him a last glance and see Briana trying to spread herself over Damon. I sigh.

I do not have to stoop to their level. I am better off without him.

I bump into Stefan, thus breaking my train of thought.

"You look worn out", observed Stefan.

"Yeah. I am tired. With all these stuff."

"Do you want me to take you home?"

I give it a thought and it doesnt seem like a bad idea. I mean its not like I am being any showstopper here.

"Yeah, thank you. Let me just say goodbye to others", I say and make my way towards Care.

"Need anything else?", Stefan asks after he makes sure that I was in stable condition.

"No, I'm good", I reply. I changed into my pajamas and removed all that make up.

"Go to the party, Stefan. Enjoy. I'll be fine", I assure him so that he goes back.

"You're sure?"

"Yes. I'm just gonna go to sleep. I am exhausted", as I say this, I let out a yawn and that convinces Stefan.

Finally he left and I was free to go to bed and go to sleep, forget about the world for a few hours.

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