Holding On

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I lay awake on my bed, alone and I know this is going to be hard. I don't know how I am going to face Damon. I can not go on avoiding him forever. But I want us to be like before. And what about our marriage. The vow of never leaving each other. I vowed. I will not let it go.

Elena texts me to come to her house.

"Hi, whats up", I ask as I enter her house.

"Oh nothing, just this and that. You know, Briana's here, so just getting together with all of us", Elena said casually.

Oh my god, I can't believe this is happening.

"Oh okay, " I replied and went on to grab a beer.

"Hey Ann, guess what!?", asked an excited Caroline.


"We're going to New York", she squeeled.

"Ooh, thats nice. You and?", I asked, confused.

"We, as in all of us, silly"

"Um, I don't understand. When was this planned?"

"Last night, after you left. Briana got us plane tickets for next week", she is super excited.

Okay, so she is buying you all by getting plane tickets. Alright, lets see.

"Yeah, Annette, I have got tickets for Damon too. And he said he would go only if you did", Briana said in a fake dialogue.

So she didn't get tickets for me, at first. I'll show you, I will destroy you.

" Of course, I'd love to come", I said to add to her jealousy.

The bell rings and Elena goes to open the door for Stefan. And Damon.

Stefan gives her a sweet kiss and Damon's eyes meet mine.

Damn, I want to kiss him. This has been the longest that we haven't touched since, well after we started dating back in the day.

"So whats the meeting about?", asked Stefan.

Damon takes a seat opposit mine and Briana come to sit beside him.

What is the problem with her?

The group starts discussing about the trip while I focus to not focus on him but that just seems impossible. He stares at me as I stare at him.

After a while, he gets up abd comes towards me, making all of them put their eyes on us.

"Ann, can we talk alone for a minute?", he asks in a voice that shows he is feeling miserable and it just breaks my heart.

"Yeah, sure", I reply and we go to the porch.

"Ann, I love you. Very much. I know you think that I am not serious about you, even the others think that. But Ann, no one is more important to me than you. You are my life, you are the reason for me to live. You bring out the best in me. I never thought I could be good until I met you. Believe me Ann, I have nothing to do with her", he said, breaking down.

"But I heard it, Damon. What more evidence do I need? I heard it, I heard you. With her. Sure, that is the best thing a wife should get every morning. Hear their husbands cheating on them with some newbie. Damon, I love you too but I can not be with you after what I went through since then.", I said, not wanting to remember the pain.

"Do you see this, Ann," he said, showing his wedding ring on his finger, "I am married. To you. What more can I ask for? I do not deserve you. You are so good, better than me. I am a dark soul and a monster. But Ann, I will never stop trying to be more deserving for you. I will try till my very end."

" Damon, then who was it? Why is she so obssessed with you?", I ask.

"Lets handle us for today. Please Ann, take me back. For I cannot live without you. I want my wife back. I am nothing without you. And Ann, I promised that I would never hurt you. I am keeping my promise. Trust me Ann, please," he finishes.

The way he is saying these words, there is no way I can doubt him now. And I can not be without him.

"I missed you, Damon", I say and go closer to be in his arms.

"Oh baby, you have no idea what I've gone through these days. I love you so, so much. You will know everything when the time comes but till then, you have to trust me", he said.

"I can do that", I say and lean up to kiss him.

Oh God, I've missed his kisses.

I think evertything is alright again, for now.

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