One of many First nights

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What followed after we entered the suite cannot be put into words.

Yes, it was that amazing.

We had done it before also so I didn't think it would really be new. But that night will always be THAT NIGHT for me. It was a completely new experience, feelings that I didn't feel before, ever.

"So....", Damon asked, smirking.

I raise my brow. "So...", I say, too.

"Oh, thats very coy, Ann", he said and weaved his magic on me once more. I was not on planet. I was transported to a place where there was nothing but Damon everywhere.

He loved me like I had never been loved before and I repaid the favour, though the pleasure was all mine.

We cherished each other, what we shared, what we had. The Night couldn't be compared to anything else.

"Hey wifey, rise and shine", Damon woke me up with a kiss. I was covered with the sheet around me. Kissing him bought last night's memories back. Remembering how he kissed me, I blushed and I knew Damon could feel me.

"I know what you're thinking about. I was awesome, wasn't I?", He said, winking which made me blush deeper.

"Yes, that you were. Thank you. Maybe we can go for the next round right now," I say in a small voice. Yes, I was in need. For him.

"Oh baby, thats a tempting offer. Like winning a lottery prize but we can't. We are already late and we have a lot to see. Maybe I can redeem my coupon later this night?" He said, using his sexiness which made me more desperate for him.

I pout sulkily that made him stifle a laugh.

So we went out for a bit of sightseeing but we couldn't see much because we were mostly 'busy' with each other. Damon redeemed a part of his 'coupon' right in the hotel and the other parts while on the tour.

We were sitted in a roadside restaurant, simply talking.

"How is it so far? Are you comfortable?" Damon asks, all concerned.

"Damon, its not like I didn't live with you before. Everyday with you is a dream and you're the dream husband of anyone. I'm lucky to have you," I say, assuring him.

He takes my hand and says, "No Ann, you're wrong".

"What? I-- I don't understand."

"You're the dream. I'm a lucky monster", he says.

"You're my monster," I say with authority and kiss him to lighten the moment. I hate it when he gets all self reflective and thinks low of himself.

He did a few wrong things, okay, not a few but a lot of wrong things. But that was because he was so hurt by that Katherine bitch. All of his actions were actions of revenge. We all have done things in the past which we regret, so is the case with Damon. Only the problem is that people do not understand the reason behind his actions.

But that really doesn't matter because in the end its all about what we think of ourselves.

A/N~ So guys, how are you finding this story? Damon can be sweet if we let him to. It all depends on our imagination, doesn't it. How many Danette shippers are there? Do let me know :)

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