Oh Snap

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After the wecome home dinner, everyone took their leave

Even Stefan. And at that, Elena winked at me.

Oh boy. Elena's house isn't gonna be quiet tonight. I give her a cheeky smile and go to hug Stefan. He is so warm hearted. Its impossible to not like him. Meanwhile, Elena gives Damon an awkward half hug and mumbles a thank you.

Damon is carrying me to our room and the whole house is empty.

"So......", Damon said, trailing off.

I know what he meant but pretended to not understand.

"Huh?",I said.

"Ann, don't be so coy. I know that you know", he smirked.

"Damon, I'm really tired. Some other time please", I say.

"Hey, no pressure. But I feel that something is bothering you. So, what is it?", he asked, looking straight into my eyes.

Shit. How do I say it.

Quickly, I kiss him before telling.

"I thought you were not in the mood", he teased. I give him a look and he turns serious.

"Okay. Um, actually seeing my mom tonight made me feel homesick. Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't be anywhere where you're not. But I also miss my mom and my room. So I was thinking if we move back. We won't if you don't want to. Please don't hate me.", I squeak out at last. Damon said nothing but kept staring at me blankly.

"Please say something", I plead.

He gives me his hand and I hold it.

"Seriously Ann. How can you even think that------"

Oh no. He is disappointed. I think in between.

"---I will hate you? I love you more than the whole world. I can never hate you. And I am happy where you are happy. So I don't see any reason to why we shouldn't move back", He finished.

I give him a weak smile and hug him hard and also try to stop the tears that are threatening to fall. I love him so much.

Our night was awesome. Afterall,  can never say no to Damon.

In the middle of the night, Damon's cell started ringing. It was by my side so he told me to answer it.

Unknown Number, it said.

"Damon Salvator's cell.", I say.

"Yes, I know that. Is he there?", a girl on the other end replied.

Who the bitch does she think she is.

"Yes he is. May I know who is this?", I ask in a sharp tone. Damon rises on brow at me.

"Who are you", she said.

"I'm his wife. Any problem with that?"

"But you won't be for long". With that, she cut the call.

Bloody Bitch. Whoever you are, You ain't messing with me. Especially when its about Damon.

I handed him his cell and he asked what happened.

"Nothing. Some drunk girl, out of her senses.", I reply.

With that, I kiss him goodnight and he holds me close to him. I close my eyes, content.

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