Plans backfire

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I drink my glass of bourbon and put down the glass on the bar.

"I'm gonna go freshen up", I say to Damon and go to our room. I close the door but do not lock it. I grab my towel and enter the bathroom and lock the door.

There is nothing that a good shower can't fix. I let the water run over my shoulders, hands and belly.

I gently scrub my body, letting the water relax my tired muscles.

I've missed this simple shower although we've had showers and baths in various styles of bathrooms but the comfort of your own shower can not be found even in the most expensive of hotels.

I think I hear the click of the door. Damon must be in the room. Who else would come.

I decide to tease him some more. So I wrap the towel around me in a sexy way, ending it just above my knees.

Damon will be blown away, I smirk.

I come out of the bathroom and struck a pose, closing my eyes. Instead of his gasp, I hear giggles.


Alarmed. I fling my eyes to see Elena, Caroline and Bonnie giggling away to death.

I am horrified and embarrased. I quickly throw on shorts and a cami.

They have still not returned to their senses.

"Yeah yeah. You all caught me off guard. Thats all", I say and throw a pillow at Elena. She neatly dodges it while laughing away to oblivion.

"Guess, someone is still on her honeymoon", Care says between fits of giggles and I can see tears streaming down their faces. Embarrased, I cover my face with a pillow and pray that the ground swallows me up.

They all have calmed down and Bonnie gets up, serious faced.

She goes near the bathroom and imitates my pose and they all hburst out laughing again.

Oh my God. I can never live this down. Please ground, swallow me.

After a good half an hour when the girls got tired and actually stopped laughing, I speak.

"Whats up, guys. I've missed you all more than you know".

I move to hug them together and they all come together. We sit, incidently forming a circle.

"So, how was the sex? How was Damon?" Care asks, directly.

I look at her wild eyed. Of course, Caroline will always be Caroline.

"Um..." I trail off, not sure how to answer that. The sex was AMAZING. I scream in my mind.

I feel a flush coming up my body.

Bonnie notices it too and starts teasing me again and now she's joined by Elena.

I blush deeper. And thankfully, Elena spares me and says, " I think thats enough of gory details for today".

I give her a grateful smile and she returns the same.

We talk about everything thats been happening while I was gone and I tell them about the various exotic places and our itinery.

Just then, I remember about the new girl that Elena mentioned.

"Um, Elena, the new girl that you mentioned before. Who is she?"

"Oh yeah. Her. Her name's Briana but everyone calls her Bri. She's like you when you first came", Elena informs.

"Like me?", I ask, confused.

"Yeah. 'Big Town Stuff' girl", she briefs.

Jeez. The old me. I remember how mad I was after moving here.

"Oh. Like that", I say.

We talk a lot more and Caroline announces that they are hosting a welcome Home party tonight and that my mom will be here too.

Oh mom, I haven't seen her in so long. I miss her more than anyone else.

After a few hours, Care and Bonnie leaves me to prepare for the party while Elena stays with me.

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