All Your's

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"Oh Lord! I---uh--- wow".

This was Damon's first response after I got all dressed up and came infront of him.

Care and Briana have had so much fun playing hairdresser and make up on me and they have transformed me into a ramp model. And I felt confident with my dress. Because I am doing it for Damon and it makes it so much special.

Back to the present moment.

"You like?", I asked, teasing him by striking a pose.

"Wow Ann, you never stop to amaze me", he said, his voice husky.

I was wearing a harlot red lipshade which is not my everyday preferred colour but it went very well with my dress.

"I will never stop trying", I say.

"You don't have to. Even in my shirts, you surprise me".

I took a step closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned up to kiss him.

Our lips met and I felt something infront of my stomach.

I broke out in hysterical laughter when I realised what it was.

He got a boner!

"Oh my god, Damon. Why the early suprise?", I say between giggles.

"Its not my fault that you turned me on just by your dress", he said.

"I can see that!", I say and I felt really powerful.

"How about even you get dressed so that we can go to the club soon", I said and push him away.

"Oww, buzzkill", he said.

After a few minutes, he came out, dressed.

"You know what, lets get done with it", sighed Damon.

"Get done with what?", I ask, confused.

"You know what", he suggested.

Oh okay. I know!

"The othere will be here soon. I don't want to keep you hanging", I teased.

"I need you. Now".

Those words always have such an affect on me.

Soon, we got a bit busy. In each other and almost half an hour had passed. This meant that we were getting late, thanks to everyone who kept reminding us with missed calls.

Ugh, I'm gonna throw away the phones next time we make love, I think.

Not that it affected our "session" but did create distractions.

Elena kept pounding on the door along with Stefan as I straightened my dress and started to reapply my make up. My hair was a mess. But it looked good. Sort of a grunge style.

Damon opened the door with a snide comment for his brother. Elena came rushing to me, grumbling that we are late enough as it is.

I reapplied my make up in 5 quick minutes.

Finally, Caroline and Briana came to our room and their eyes almost came out of its sockets.

"What happened to your hair?" They both practically yelled.

"Urm, it sort of came out", I said, not sure of what to say.

"Came out? Annette, it couldn't have come out just like that. Unless you had---- Eww, please say you didn't", Care said, unable to hide her horror.

"C'mon Caroline, we all know how appealing I am. I'm unresistable, you know", Damon said to her and winked.

I hit him in his chest and the others make a face of digust.

"Okay, we want to hear no more. I'm scarred enough for today. Lets go already", Briana said and thankfully, we were out of the room and made it a point to make the night a stressfree night. Be regular couples just for a while.

A/N- Hi guys. As I've already told that I will be ending this book in chapter no 40, we are just 2/3 chapters away from it.

Also, I will be doing another book after I finish this. I have thought of something and I'm gonna keep it a secret until I make everything concrete.

But, sneak peeks will always be there.

Follow me and be updated about my next book before anyone else does.

Also, I have been noticed by a certain Publishing House, which shall not be named now. I am really grateful for the opportunity.

Follow me :)



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