The World Upside Down.

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This story is being continued because of the requests from the readers. Getting support from the readers really boosts our confidence. So this chapter is dedicated to all those who told me to continue writing this fiction. And a special mention of Mrs BriSalvatore. Previously I had told that I would include people in the story who wanted to be in it and Briana did. So she has now become an important character in the story.

I wake up to a sunny morning, fully rested and happy. I turn and don't find Damon on his side. Where did he go, I wonder. He has left his phone near his pillow. Maybe he forgot to take it with him. I think of calling Stefan to ask if Damon is with him. But since my phone is on the table, I pick his, unlocking it.

But instead of the home screen, I see a text from an unknown number. I think he forgot to close it and out of curiosity, I read the text.

Hey Salvatore. I am sure you remember me and if you don't, well we see about that. Nevertheless, if you want to keep that toy of yours safe, meet me in ten, in the Grill.

What? Who is it texting him this? And toy? Did this person mean me? Am I just a toy to Damon?

Don't be ridiculous, said my subconscious. I am his lawfully wedded wife. Not an effing toy.

I stare hard at the number and realise that it is the same person who called last night, asking for Damon.

One thing is clear. Damon knows this girl and she knows him. But from where?

Ex lovers? Someone who wants revenge? I can't put my finger on it. But if they know each other from before, maybe she wants Damon. Maybe she wants to take him away from me. No. I can not let this happen.

Confused with rage, I hastily get out of bed and take a quick shower. Putting on a dress, I make my way to the Mystic Grill. The boarding house is quiet like a grave. Maybe Elena knows her. Or maybe Stefan does. By any means, I need to find out.

I drive the car like a maniac and manage to reach the Grill in half the usual time taken. Once inside, my eyes search for Damon and her. Whoever she is.

Finding no one, I turn towards the door and bump with Jeremy.

"Hey Ann, nice to see you. Long time huh", "Hi Jeremy. Yeah", I said. I am in no way to make small talk so I ask directly. "Have you seen Elena?"

"Uh yeah. She and Bonnie is planning a party for Caroline. Her birthday is today. Remember?", he said.

Shit. I forgot. "Oh yeah. Her birthday, I remember." I lie.

"You are such a terrible liar, Annette", Jeremy remarks.

I punch him playfully and come out of the Grill to my car. I quickly type out a text to Care.

Happy Birthday, girlfriend. Wish you lots of success and power. Love x.

So they are not there. Where can they be?

I pull out my phone to call Stefan. He picks up on the first ring. "Hello?", he says.

"Hi Stefan. Is Damon with you?", I ask.

"Um no. Is he suppossed to be?"

"Actually he was not in the house and he left his phone. So I thought he was with you",I said, editing about the text.

"Yeah, I did see him leaving the house rather in a hurry. I thought maybe you sent him for some work so I didn't ask. Need anything?" He informed.

"No. Okay, thanks. Bye", I say and keep the phone.

So he is not with Stefan also. Where can he be.

I drive around aimlessly when suddenly his phone starts ringing.

Unknown caller.

Oh no. Its her again. Did she harm him? Why is she calling him when they are together? Then I realise that it is for me.

Nervously, I pick up the call.

"Hello Ann. Searching for your husband?", she said from the other end in a snarky voice.

I tried to speak as confidently as possible.

"Who are you?", I ask.

"Never mind the introduction. We can do that later too. In person".

Am I meeting her? When?

"Yeah, sure. What do you want and where is Damon?", I reply.

"Your husband is with me and we are really enjoying ourselves. Or he is really enjoying me, if you know what I mean." She said. And I hear an unmistakable moan in the background. Damon? No it cannot be him. He would never cheat on me. He would never hurt me. Or would he? I mean we just got married. Was this the limit of my happiness, the beginning of the end of my life with Damon?

I felt like someone sucked the life out of me but replied her bravely, keeping out the emotions that was going inside me.

"I don't think that Damon has a tastes for Bitches", I spat at her. It was enough to silence her for a while. Taking that chance, I disconnect the call and take out the caller's address.

Spaceshire Square, it said. Thats in north of the town.

Feeling hurt, cheated, angry, confused and a mix of other emotions, I decide to head back to my house. My own house...

Angry and disturbed, I seeked comfort in my own bed, my pillow.

Mom was surprised to see me. And I was a terrible sight to see.

With tears streaking down my cheeks in unchecked way and my hair in a mess, I slammed the door of my room, shutting out my worried mother, who continued to ask me what was wrong.

Oncw inside, I cried my heart out. How can he do this to me? All those vows, those promises, did they mean nothing? All our sweet moments, our time together, was that just a momentary distraction?

I married that man. And I cannot imagine my life without him. Sure, he has a past, a lot of them but does this mean our end? My end?

Because without him, my life will be a meaningless void. For a moment, I considering stepping out in the sun without my daylight ring. I opened the ring and put my hand out in the sunlight which came in through the windows. I felt it, the pain. But it was nothing like the pain that I was feeling but it served its purpose. The burning created a distraction. I welcomed it.

The phone in my pocket started ringing. A different number.

I pick it up and answer.

From the other end, I hear his voice. Damon. I close my eyes to close over both the pains.

"Ann, where are you? Are you okay? Ann. Please. Talk to me. Where are you?", he asked in a frantic voice.

Hearing his voice made cry harder and the burning pain got stronger such that I could not keep quiet. I screamed, I howled. This made my mother, who was waiting outside my door to almost cry.

"Ann, what happened. Please Ann. Don't do whatever you are doing. Talk to me. Just once. Are you home? Don't hurt yourself, please. I love you, Ann", he said. Breaking down in the end. I screamed louder for my hand was burning almost to the point where my elbows were to come out and because he said that he loves me. My mother was now sobbing harder. Pleading to open the door. The phone dropped from my hand and I couldn't take the pain anymore and collapsed to the ground.And I fell but to the shady portion in the room and the burning stopped. The emotional pain was nowhere near ending. But maybe this is my end. Let it be fast. I cannot take it anymore.

I love you too, Damon. Forever and Always, I whisper and close my eyes. Waiting for my end to come, for the pain to stop.

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