Through the eyes of Damon.

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Seeing the lifeless body of my Ann is the worst scene of my entire existence.

I wished death would come over me. All this misunderstanding happened because of that Bitch. I am going to wreck her. For once and for all.

Though, Ann is suffering because of my actions. For what I did years ago. Probably a century ago. I did not think about the consequences then. I was impulsive and without emotions. I was ruled by my impulse.

Little had I known that this would be my price, I would never have thought of doing what I did. Not even in a thousand years.

Everyone is against me because I caused this. I am against myself. I don't know what I'll do if something ever happens to Ann.

She is the ray of light in my dark life.

The dream in nightmares.

And the hope in a hopeless place.

Bonnie is trying to save her. She mutters something, rolling her eyes. A strong wind, from nowhere, blows and the windows shatter.

Her witchy relatives must be against the magic that Bonnie is using.

To hell with them. I want Ann to be saved and I'm ready to pay any price for that.

Soon, Bonnie starts bleeding from her nose and I know that the force is too strong for her.

"You can do this Bonnie. Please. Only you can save her. I owe you my life", I say, with sincerity.

And suddenly, she falls limp on the floor and Ann's body gives a jolt but doesn"t oprn her eyes or show any action.

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