Oh Baby.

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Finally, we are in our room in the hotel. And its amazing. Our bags were delivered to us and I laid on the bed, just for sometime as I was feeling tired after so much travelling.

"Would you like to eat something?", Damon asks, holding a blood bag and already sipping from it.

"Yes, you", I said teasing him.

"Well, I'm all yours", he says and comes to kiss me and I can taste the blood which makes me so damn hungry.

"Pass me one please."

He chuckles and gets me one.

We were just changing into a different set of clothes when there was two knocks on the door. I quickly put on my dress and Damon, well he was half naked with only his pants. We thought it was the room service and I went to open it but it wasn't the room service.

It was Briana.

I wanted to slam the door on her face but I didn't.

"Hi Annette. We were going to the Times Square. Thought you wanted to come. Or not," she said with her snarky voice.

"Hi Damon. Are you coming,baby"? She added.

Baby? Seriously? She did not just say that.

I looked at Damon in disbelief.

"Watch yourself, Bitch. Do that once more and I'll snap your neck like sticks", he replied, his eyes red with anger.

"You heard him. Now fuck off", I said and slammed the door on her face. Oh, it feels so good!

"What, is she crazy or something. I want to bury her", I say, fuming.

"Don't. Thats what she wants from you, attention and reaction", he explains.

I try to forget about it as I don't want her to dampen our trip. And Damon's expertise works well too, if you know what I mean.

A/N- Hi readers, so an update as promised. Hope you like it. And I'm writing after so long. We are having our autumn break so I may be able to update regularly for a few days but I also have my projects so no promises.

Anyways, enjoy reading it and Tvd 6 comes out today!!!!! (Or tomorrow, according to the time zones).

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