Sy kasi basar mata sy tingu si Talib dpn umah sewa sy. Pa mcm dia tau tmpt tinggal sy ni??
"What do you want?! I have nothing to say to you!" Sy kasar ckp ma dia.
"Please huney.."
"Don't huny huny me! Am not your huney buny, ok! Cut the crap!"
"Babe, Fir, please, listen to me first. Give me a chance to explain", mcm mo nangis sudah muka dia. Eeeee x malu lalaki mo nangis. Sy topis tangan dia.
"Make a way and get out of my face!" Sy kasar butul ckp ma dia.
"Am dying, Fir..." tu ayat dia make me nokokodou.
"I just come to say that I am so ashamed of my behavior and I'm seeking for your forgiveness, huney", dia ckp pelan2 ma satu2.
Apa sy mo ckp terdiam, sy x tau mo picaya ka x.
"Don't play games with me, Talib. Am not interested in participating", mo cool down sudah suara sy.
"I have less than two years to live, huney.. I wanted you so badly but I was too much and am so sorry", dia minta maaf lagi.
"I told you Talib, don't play games with me, don't tell me lie, I will never forgive liar", sy ckp dgn strict nya.
"Am not here to convince you that am telling the truth. Am here to ask for your forgiveness, nothing more nothing less", dia mcm jujur ja ni.
Sy tarik napas panjang2.. apa sy mo bikin ni? Sy takut klu sy kna main2 lagi bah. Butul2 menderita tau kalau sakit hati pasal sinta2 ni, sy x mo jadi gila pasal sinta.
Mata dia merenung mata sy dlm2, kelip2 pun x. Bengkak mata dia mcm baru nangis.
"I don't know what to say, Talib. You had my trust and you wasted it. I don't know if I can ever grant you another one", pelan2 sy ckp.
"You don't have to, huney. I understand. But I just wanna spend this short life with you. Without any commitment, of course. And after my time come, I will release you from my burden. Yes Fir. You are my burden, I cannot leave or give you to anyone, not yet", kluar trus airmata dia.
oh my...knapa sy terpana ni? Butul ka x dia ckp ni? Sy pigang tangan dia, sy x ckp apa2. Sy bawa dia masuk umah. Sy bawa dia masuk bilik sy..."Sit here," sy suruh dia duduk atas katil sy sblum sy p duduk dpn dia.
"What are you suffering from, Talib..?"
"Brain cancer"
Huh.....berat napas sy.
"I need to take shower for a while", dia angguk ja.Tiba2 dtg gila sy. Sy mo test dia lu. Tingu dia ganas lagi ka tidak. Tingu klu dia tembirang ka x. Sy berani sudah ni, daripada sy kna budu2 lagi. Go for it, Fir.
Sy buka baju sy depan dia. Dia tidak terkelip. Pastu pelan2 sy buka seluar training sy. Tinggal bra ma panty. Yes, depan dia. Dia masih lgi x berkelip. Biarla ko nmpk badan sy niari, I don't care bilang hati sy padahal laju butul sudah tu jantung sy mcm lari marathon 30km. Tiba2 dia berdiri. Sy stuck mcm patung. Shit. Habis la sy kna rogol ni niari. Makin dia dkt. Sy tutup mata sy. Sy tunggu2 apa kejadian. Ei? Dia kasi limpas ja sy.
"Am not that animal anymore, please, cover yourself", benar ka ni sy dingar ni? Mcm sy mo minta rewind balik dia ckp.
Dia gulung tu towel p badan sy, dia kasi ikat kuat pas tu dua2 tangan dia pigang bahu sy.
"I love you for who you are, Fir. Nothing more nothing less", trus dia kiss sy. Sy tutup mata...... sy x sedar airmata sy kluar..
Diari Si Gumuk (COMPLETED) Season 1 & 2
General FictionCopyright © Fir Tree June SabahanSlank©2019 All rights reserved. No part of this publications may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical. Photocopying, r...