Ngiew ngiew ngiew ngiew ngiew buka mata sy dlm keadaan separuh sadar. Sy dingar bunyi ambulance. Sy rasa sy dlm sesuatu kereta yg berjln. Sy tingu org disekeliling sy..mcm sy nmpk Jonaz?...Dia mcm tengah bercakap sesuatu tapi suara dia sy x buli dingar. Sy cuba mo buka mata besar2 tapi sy x mampu..
Malap balik.
Sy terbangun bila sy rasa tangan sy mcm ada org pigang.
"Fir..?", sy nmpk Jonaz sedang gengam tangan sy.
"Jonaz...where am I? Where's Talib?", lemas butul suara sy. Sy tingu tangan kanan sy kna cucuk jarum trus kana sambung ma drip. Bila masa sy smpi hospital ni?
"He's in the operation's room, Fir. It's been almost 5 hours now", dia kasi terang ma sy. Masih lagi dia pigang tangan sy ni. Mata dia merah tanda dia ada nangis.
"I want to see him", sy ckp ma Jonaz. Airmata sy kluar balik. Sy teringat tu kejadian yg paling last terjadi dpn mata sy. Sy ingat muka si Talib, sy ingt parut dia kluar darah yg banyak.
"I will bring you," dia bilang. Dia ambi kerusi roda, dia angkat sy dri katil trus dia kasi duduk sy. Satu kali ma tu drip dia bawa sy jln pigi tmpt si Talib kna taruh.
Sampai satu pathway yg ada room di ujung dia, si Jonaz berenti. sy nmpk "OPERATION THEATRE " tertulis di atas pintu. Si Jonaz duduk di kerusi yg ada di tepi2 tu lorong. Dia tarik tu kerusi roda sy dkt dia. Berdepan sy ma dia skrg. Dia ambi tangan sy dua2, dia genggam kuat2.
"I am sorry I didn't manage to come earlier", dia memulakan perbualan.
"I don't understand, Jonaz".
"I've followed you since the last two months. I told you that I will always look after you," dia akhirnya berterus terang. Btul2 stalker o dia ni tapi ada juga faedah dia. Kira am so lucky???
"I get rid of your camera, that is why you are following me?", dia angguk2 kepala dia.
"I saw what happened in the park because am filming you. Am sorry again for stalking but I really cannot pretend that I am over you. I saw how they carried you into their car and how they beat Talib, and it's all happened real fast. I managed to follow them but I did not get the police's support on time.
"What happened Jonaz,?" Sy tanya dia lagi. Ada babak yg sy missing ni dan sy mo dia kasi cerita.
"There was two men guarding the warehouse where you and Talib was taken. Before, another two men left with a car. The police surrounded the place and managed to get inside the property after they broke the two guys down. I followed them inside and I heard your screamed after a gun's shots. When we were finally in the premise, I saw Talib on the floor, flooded with blood and you were tight on a chair, unconscious.", Jonaz kasi abis cerita polis-sintip dia. Sy tu time sudah kluar airmata (bugihad kan) sbb sy teringat balik apa yg jadi sama sy ma Talib. Si Jonaz masih genggam lagi tangan sy, sy biar ja. X tenaga sy ni mo main tarik2. Suddenly pintu operations terbuka.
"Doctor", si Jonaz berdiri. Sy masih duduk di kerusi roda. Tu doktor tingu sy ma Jonaz.
"He lost a lot of blood and am not sure if he can make it. We have took out the bullets from his body but he still unconscious. We will transfer him to the ICU", tu doktor bilang. Talib my lob..jgn mati pls...tumuruk noh tu romou sy.
Jonaz bawa sy p ICU. Sekali lgi sy masuk ni tmpt. Dulu sy p masuk pasal abang Talib. Skrg sy masuk pasal Talib. Bed #1 juga.
Beep beep beep beep beep.. I hate that sound.
Sy nmpk Talib terbaring. Dia kna kasi pakai okisgen yg masuk dari idung. 1 pain darah kna kasi masuk dlm badan dia. Luka2 di muka dia sudah kena kasi bersih. Badan dia dari dada smpi pinggang kana balut. Sy nmpk bekas darah sana bandage dkt stomach dia. Sy suruh Jonaz tarik kluar tu drip before sy p dkt katil Talib. Pelan2 sy duduk di kerusi tepi katil dia. Sy pigang tangan dia dan sy nangis. Sy rindu suda dia. Bangun la Talib. Bangun la my lob. Sy x buli tingu ko mcm ni. Sy perhati kan seluruh tubuh dia, lebam sana sini, banyak luka kici2. Mungkin bakas kna garit2 kali. Gima... kesian sy tingu my lob mcm ni.
Tiba2 jari dia bergerak.
" love?", sy berdiri sudah. daras butul tu airmata sy kluar. Sy cium2 lgi tngn si Talib. Dia buka mata. Those green eyes which I really missing now. Dia tingu sy lama..
"Huney..", almost x buli dingar suara dia..
"Yes my love, am here", sy bilang. Sy singod2 lgi ingus sy. X tau brapa buruk muka sy ni skrg nga i don care.
"I love you so much", adeii gima Talib.. jgn bh ko ckp mcm ni..
"I know my love, please stay for me..please fight for me. I need you ", kluar air mata si Talib bila sy ckp ma dia.
"I don't want to promise you now, huney", sayup suara dia.
"Please Talib..don't go where I can't follow you..", sy betul2 sebak o ni. Dada sy sakit butul tingu dia. Sy p kasi dakat muka sy ma dia. Sy sentuh bibir dia. Buli lagi dia kiss dia pelan2...
"I will always be in here", dia sentuh dada sy..
"No Talib, I want you to be where I can touch you, cuddle with you, and I want to make love with you.", sy x senser sudah ni sbb Sy tlmpau feeling sedih.
"I wish we could, huney", makin pelan suara dia...
Mata dia pelan2 tutup. Jari dia x bergerak lagi. Tu machine punya monitor kasi tunjuk slow respiratory response. Tu ombak mcm mo mendatar sudah reading dia.
Beep beep beep beep!!!!!!! Jantung sy mcm mo jatuh tu time.
"Nurse!!! Doctor!!!" Sy jerit kuat2!!!!
Jonaz lari p tmpt sy, dia tarik badan sy away dari katil Talib. Sy nangis terus menerus, sy takut butul.
Tu bunyi beep makin lama makin nyaring.
"One two three! Charge! Again!! One two three! Charge!!!"
Doktor ma nurses tingu sesama sendiri.
"21:10 hrs".
And they took out everything.
Sy jalan pelan2.. di tangan sy ada bunga tulip banyak warna. X tau brapa kuntum tu sy x kira. Pas tu sy berenti, trus sy duduk.
"Hello my love.. it's been a year," sy letak tu bunga di siring.
"I wonder if you remember this day. This day when you proposed me again in my room. This day when you touched me and we were in our passionate moments. I wonder if you remember this day"... Sy tersenyum. Sy cabut2 tu rumput panjang2.
"I miss you my love", pelan2 air mata sy jatuh.. sy peluk batu nisan dia. "Am missing you so much I can't carry on with my life" tersedu2 nangis dpn kubur Talib.... and suddenly I feel colds touches my cheek.......
"My love.... dan sy tersenyum balik...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End ❤️ ~~~~~~~~~~~
Note: Tengkiu smua yg ikut cerita #Diarisigumuk ni. Mcm sy rasa gantung ni ending dia kan? Meaning ada Season 2 kali ni tau??? Apa2 pun, I sinta korng smua, the readers and supporters. Tengkiu utk your komen dan like. Tengkiu sbb awal pagi smpi tengah malam baca ni cerita. Bukan sinang tu take effort mo baca cerita jadi sy butul2 menghargai semangat korng. Pes time sy rasa pemes o 🐥🐥💋💋💋
Kalau ada komen2 yg buli kasi bikin idea ni, tolong la kasitau, kio. Nanti sy try kasi cantum2.
Diari Si Gumuk (COMPLETED) Season 1 & 2
General FictionCopyright © Fir Tree June SabahanSlank©2019 All rights reserved. No part of this publications may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical. Photocopying, r...