Diari si Gumuk Part8

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Bsuk tu sy masuk opis mcm biasa jam 9pm. Jonaz sudah smpi duluan, dia senyum ma sy.
"Hola, que tal", dia bilang dlm Spanish
"Mui bien guapo, e tu?", pandai juga sy moti klu mo tanya kabar cuma sy x tau ejaan.
"Mucho bien", dia senyum lagi. Si Juarez silik2 kami.
"Whats up guys? Why both of you seems so intimate"? Dia tnya. Smua yg ada di opis katawa.
"We found peace in each other", sy bilang nogi. Sy tingu tmpt duduk si Talib, kosong. Jane bilang dia MC. Kotoh. Biru motu tu mato dia tu. Kajara kana tumbuk.
Si santut tiba2 p dakat sy.
"Fir, where is Talib, he call for sick leave today"
"No idea, he's not my bf that I should know where is he about", penyibuk! Dia mo kasi CNN news la tu di opis.
"I thought both of you are couple, you said so on Saturday", aiiii sialan butul ni ppuan o. Smua tingu sy. Really ar dorng tanya. Wtf! Si Ang-Kyon diam ja, malas kali dia mo masuk campur.
"We broke up the same day", nah ambi ko.
"He seems to be so slim for me", joro. Ko berenti ckp skrg sebelum sy tundul mata ko, dlm hati sy ckp. Nasib si santut diam. Mau ja sy kasi malu dia pasal dia buka baju tinggal bra di club tapi sy abai kan ja sbb malas sy mo berperang ma dia.
Tut tut
"Hello Ms. Fir Tandingan", korang tau tu sepa kan 😁😁
"Yes Mr. Roy Flakes. I did missed you this weekend. How about you?" Sebelum dia tanya sudah duluan sy ckp.
"Errr.. Fir.. you are on loudspeaker.. Am in Seattle with Morris, Stephanie and Ronan"
wtf wtf wtf!!!!! Apa salah sy ni??? Shittttt!! Smua board director!
"Hello everyone, very good morning to you. How was your weekend"? Damnnnnn. Sy kasi tabal muka sy. Punya panas sy rasa.
"Hi Fir, it's nice to hear your voice. I bet that Roy love what he heard just now. He's a very nice young charming guy", si Morris punya suara. Badigul butul. Trus dorng katawa sana line bah. Kambing.
"Am sure he is, Morris. So tell me, what can I do for you in this lovely Monday morning?" Terpaksa sy pki ayat berbunga2. (Pagi gia d US. Remember sy kerja shift..)
"Fir, we need the latest planning of Seattle because we may need to revise the delivery with major changes." Bilang si Roy.
"Am sending it now, please refresh your inbox", capat sy kasi dorng tu file.
"Thanks a lot Fir, you are a sweetheart", suara si Ronan sy dingar.
"Anything for you", sy bilang. Malas sy mo specify.
"Is there anything else I can do to assist you?"
"That's all for the moment Fir, we'll talk again soon", suara ppuan sana line..si Stephanie la tu.
"Okey all, have a nice day", Tup. Sy cut the line.
Lain kali sy x akan ckp dulu klu si Roy call sy. Pengajaran yg sangat besar!

Part9 sy sambung nanti kio. Ngantuk sudah sy ni. Modop lu zzzz

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