Chapter 2

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Retributed: Chapter 2

~Trey P.O.V.~

Being loose in the streets of Detroit on IRG's territory was almost relaxing to me. The thick smell of gun powder remained in the air because it never stops at this trap. Oakland and Houston were calm territories but Detroit's IRG had the action that satisfied my needs. Especially with the way Ice runs his shit, he doesn't hover over all our asses, it's every nigga for himself and if you can't fend for yourself then that's your problem, not anyone else's... that's the way a gang ought to be ran.

I never walked these streets with fear, they were like any other streets I've walked. Houses lined each side with average families and then there were shops not too far off into town. My hands in my pockets, my gun on hand and a fearless mindset that sat on my shoulders. This was how I was for the last couple years. This'll be my third year in Detroit but before then I found myself in Baton Rouge only to find nothing of interest for me there. Between the time of Baton Rouge and Detroit, I was just going wherever the drug trade took me. Was all up and down the East Coast and it was cool and all but I like my West Coast, born and raised there so of course I'm biased in opinion.

Funny thing is, I didn't say a word to anyone when I chose to leave, not even Mom of all people. It was a spur of the moment decision brought on by the feeling I was lacking so much, felt like I had fallen behind. My life was spiraling down and living day to day to just wake up to the bottle and blunt wasn't ideal. There's a whole year of my life that I can't even remember because I was so out of it. Isn't that just a damn shame? Time is limited and I wasted a good year of mine downing some vice that got me no where closer to getting out of my pit. Just blocking out everything because I was fed up.

Losing Honey was more than just losing some female as everyone thought. To me, Honey symbolized a piece of my childhood that I could hold onto, despite what shit she got into she was a person who was a key to an important aspect of my life and having someone else decide it was time for her to die off was what rocked the balance of my mindset. I felt as though I had lost IRG because Dad took it away, I lost my best friend because he found a new life which took him away and the last thing I had to hang onto who remained by me was taken away without even me getting to say goodbye or anything. It really did a number on me but I had since gotten my closure and once I did, I left Oakland and it's been seven years since I've set foot in California.

In those seven years, I haven't talked to anybody back in Oakland. I had nothing to say and there was nothing of interest for them to say to me. I wanted time on my own, figure my own shit out and not have everyone screaming at my ear telling me what to do.

Coming up towards the end of the block, it wasn't uncommon to see a small group of five or so niggas gathered around. Looking closer at them, they were huddled- well more like cornering a blonde headed female and I began to grow curious so I pulled out my gun and continued to approach.

"Fuck y'all doin' over here?" I asked, pulling back a kid by the collar of his t-shirt. "Leave these females- Isabella?" I said when her familiar blue eyes shot up to mine. "Y'all back the fuck up, she's with me." Reaching a hand out towards her, she willingly grabbed it and I pulled her along with me. "What the fuck are you doing here of all places?" I asked when we got a away from that group of kids, Looking back at her, I dropped my hold of her hand and just stared... she looked so different... her hair exceptionally long and curled down to her hips, the colorfully saturated tattoos that coated her neck and went up behind her ears from what I could manage to see through the blonde locks.

"Why else would I be here? To find you. I was hearing rumors you were dead and others saying you were in South Carolina- it was mixed rumors I was hearing."

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