Helping him- Peter Parker

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Y/N pov

You layed in your bed with my head spinning a thousand thoughts all at once. You could faintly hear the sirens of police cars and fire trucks outside your window, your boyfriend Peter hasn't been returning any of your calls in the last hour, you knew him to well to know he wouldn't leave a hostage attack to the police, as soon as he heard stuff was going down in Brooklyn, he was quick to swing into action.

Peter told you about him being Spider-Man last month, and he made you promise him that you wouldn't get worried about him when he was fighting or tell anyone if he was gone for a while. But as time went by it got harder for you to contain your worry, sometimes when Peter left to go fight, you would think he wasn't coming back.

You got out of bed and started pacing up and down your room, you stopped at your mirror to see your worried face and sleepless eyes. You were wearing shorts and a over sized hoodie that was Peters, the hoodie came down to cover the shorts. 

As you looked at yourself, you grabbed the hair tie around your wrist and pulled your blonde hair into a messy bun on the top of your head. You walked to the edge of your bed picking up your phone to see it was 2:45 am, thank god it was the weekend because you would have not been able to function at school. You grabbed your t.v remote and flicked on the news channel to see if anything happened while you were trying and failing at sleeping.

" We do know that the Spider-man just left the scene after rescuing the hostages from the burning building, and we can tell you, that Spider-Man did take a good beating, officers are asking hospitals to stand clear if the web slinger does make a visit to get chec..."

You had turned the t.v off not wanting to hear anymore of that. Sitting up and checking your phone once more, there were no new messages.

Sinking down into your bed feeling the world crash around you closed your eyes trying to contain the emotions building up inside you. Just as a single tear slipped you heard your bedroom window open and a figure creep through.

" Peter?" U asked the figure

Instead of answering, the person just groaned and fell onto the floor. You knew it was your boyfriend so you rushed by his side to help him up.

" Peter oh my god what happened" You asked while helping him to sit on your window seat.

" There were a lot of guys" He croaked out.

You could barley hear him with his mask on, so slowly lifted the mask of his face to reveal a bruised and cut Peter. Seeing him in this much pain was like seeing your worst fear right in front of your eyes. You gently brushed your fingers over his bruised temple. Peter winced at your touch indicating he was in a lot of pain.

You looked down to see Peters suit all ripped from the chest and blood all over him. You quickly got up and flicked on the light and went into your bathroom to get a wet cloth and the first aid kid. 

You walked out of the bathroom to see Peter with his eyes closed holding his chest. 

" Here" You said giving him an ice pack for his eye.

Peter managed to get the Spidey suite off his chest letting it rest and his waste. His chest had cuts all on it and bruises.

" Does anything feel broken?" You asked him praying he would say no

" Nah, I'll be okay just give it a minuet" He tried to sit up

" Peter, stay still" You told him while cleaning up his bloody torso.

As you worked on making all the cuts clean to wrap in a bandage, a piece of your blonde hair had fallen out your bun and into your face, before you could move it out the way, someone else's hands beat you to it. Peter moved the strand of loose hair behind your ear while you were finishing wrapping the last bandage. 

" y/n look at me" Peter mumbled

You slowly moved your gaze from Peters bruised body to his bruised eyes, He put his hands on each side of your face and said.

" Thank you, I mean it thank you for everything" He practically whispered

You gave a small smile to say ' its okay'. He moved your head closer to his and connected your lips to his, he kissed you with so much passion, it felt like the first time you kissed all over again, only 100 x better.


I didn't know if you noticed but if you did I kinda made this like that scene in " the amazing spiderman" where Peter went to Gwen cause he was all beaten up and needed help lol.

Anway hope you ejnoyed 

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