finding out his spider-man ( peter parker)

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y/n p.o.v

" hey this is Peter, leave a message" uhhh this is the 3rd time his phone has gone to voicemail where is he? 

" Hey Peter its y/n, we were supposed to meet at the library after school to work on our science project but you never came, call me" and with that you hung up your phone sighing as you walked the cold streets of Queens.  The wind picked up as you were strolling down to your house, making it to the front door you took your jacket off along with your shoes and walked to your room. 

You plopped down onto your comfy bed when you heard your phone go off, reaching for it in your pocket, expecting the text to be from your mom asking if you were home safe, you were surprised when it was text from peter. 

from peter: Hey y/n, sorry about not showing up, sorry about being so distant lately, meet me at roof at 10 pm xx

You and Peter both lived in the same building so its normal when you two go and hang out on the roof, it has a really beautiful view of New York at night. You looked at your phone and checked the time, it read as 6:45 pm, seeing as you had time before you would meet Peter, you decided to catch up with your English homework.

It wasn't too long before the time was 9:50 pm, getting up and stretching from being in the same position for a few hours, you walked to your closet and grabbed a plain red hoodie to go over the top you were wearing, you didn't change out of your black skinny jeans as they were comfortable, your h/c hair was still wavy from the curler this morning so you left it the way you did before leaving to meet your best friend.

When you got to the roof there was no sign of Peter, so you sat down in your usual spot and waited, you looked at your phone and the time was 10:30 pm " ridiculous" you thought to yourself, just as you were getting up to leave you heard a thump of someone landing on the roof behind you.

you turned around to see someone standing on the edge of the roof, this person was in a red and blue suite with a red mask covering his face, then it hit you.... Spider-man.

You were standing there as this superhero was walking towards you, unable to move or speak of the confusion and shock running through your head, you were about to speak when the mask hero spoke first.

" I'm glad you came y/n" He spoke with a voice you knew all too well.

" Oh my god, Peter?" You were shocked when he pulled the mask off his face revealing the boy you've grown to love, like really love. 

" Surprise" he laughed nervously, without warning you threw your arms around him embracing him in a warm hug, at first he was stiff but then he wrapped his arms around you and put his face in the crook of your neck, his breath tickling your neck you felt a blush creep to your cheeks.

" Jesus, I thought you might have been dead, I haven't seen you in like 3 weeks" You pulled away from the hug and gave him an annoyed look.

" y/n, I'm sorry I've been busy with all this stuff" he said gesturing to his suite.

You forgot all about the fact that he was Spider-Man, you were just happy to see the boy you love again. " Do you mind explaining this" I said pointing to his outfit. A smile plastered on his face as he said " Of course"

Peter spent like an hour talking and telling you everything, about how he became what he is, to going to Germany with Tony Stark to fight with the Avengers. You two were sat on the roof with the night sky beaming down on you. You feel Peters gaze on you the whole time you tell him whats been happening at school recently. You tried to concentrate on what you were talking about but all you could focus on was Peters eyes on you.

" what, is there something on me?" You asked feeling slightly nervous

" No, Its just you look really beautiful tonight y/n" Peter admitted while not turning his gaze from you.

You could feel your cheeks burn as those words left his mouth.

" Can I tell you something?" He asked 

You nodded in approval

" I haven't told anyone else about Spider-Man, I can't really, I feel like I can trust you with anything  so I told myself a few days ago that I was going to tell you, and not because your my best friend, its because I want more than to be friends, y/n I've liked you for so long, so so long and every time i look at you i get this feeling in my chest that wont go away, I've learnt to love that feeling, just like I learnt to love you" He puffed catching his breath.

The feeling in your own chest was enough to send you over the moon and before you knew what you were doing you grabbed the behind of Peters neck and pulled him down so you could kiss him, the feeling you got when your lips connected was not like any other feeling you have ever gotten before. You opened your mouth and Peter took that opportunity to let his tongue slip inside your mouth. 

When you both pulled away because you needed to breath, you looked at him and a big smile was on his face.

" I hope that means you feel the same way?" Peter raised an eyebrow

You pulled him down once more and mumbled " absolutely" before kissing him again.

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. Anyway this was the last update for tonight because I'm really tired and i need sleep.

Goodnight xx

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