labour (tom holland)

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request by @Victoria_Lxx

Sunday family gatherings were always a must at Toms parents, with the amount of traveling their son had been doing for work it was nice to get the whole gang together for an afternoon, especially now with toms girlfriend y/n being 9 months pregnant and ready to pop.

it was a bit of a shock really when y/n found out she was pregnant, there were tears, stress and a lot of worry, Tom was in Atlanta filming infinity war at the time so she had to call him and break the news. to her surprise he was pretty excited about it.

" y/n! come look, i learnt how to flip on the trampoline!" An excited Paddy came rushing through the back door and up to the girl who was sitting down looking at her phone.

"yeah okay just give me a second to get up" the pregnant woman replied, taking her time to put all her energy into standing up from her spot on the couch.

"woah you should be resting love, Paddy she doesn't wanna see you flip, go bugger harry or sam" Tom walked into the room mouthing off his youngest brother.

The look on Paddy's face made y/n frown, she appreciates Tom caring about her wellbeing, but not if it hurts his little sibling.

"actually, i would love to see your new trick Padds, lead the way" y/n smiled at the small redheaded boy in front of her.

Paddy's face lit up with excitement and he took y/n by the hand to lead her outside. As doing so y/n turned her face to her boyfriend and shook her head disappointingly regarding his harsh words.

the sun was out and felt warm on y/n skin, which was rare because it was england.

After paddy had shown her the countless flips and other tricks he knew, y/n began to walk back inside the house. she opened the door and took a step inside, but not before feeling something trickle down her leg.

oh shit

"y/n are you alright?" Sam asked, carrying a plate of food in his hands.

"i think- i think my water just broke" y/n began to panic actually realising she was in labor.

Sams face paled and he dropped the plate onto the floor "oh my god, TOM!" he proceeded to yell.

running footsteps grew louder as Tom came into view immediately noticing what was happening.

" holy shit, what do we do, i mean- uh okay calm down thomas get your shit together"

" Tom i don't mean to rain on your parade but i'm literally standing here in labor and it'd be nice if i don't know you'd take me to the hospital so i can birth this kid" y/n blurred out clutching her stomach.

Tom snapped his gaze onto his girlfriend who stood in front of him. " right, yes okay this way, let's get you in the car now love"

Tom lead his girl out to the front door and opened it widely "Sam tell mum and dad to meet us there please!"

His bother replied back with a quick yes and disappeared into the house. Tom helped y/n walk to the car and opened the door for her to sit down.

"please don't give birth on my car floor" he spoke out, clutching the wheel so hard that the veins in his hand were popping out.

y/n laughed at her boyfriend, the panic look still clear on his face and his rapid breathing was entertaining her.

they made it to the hospital within the next 15 minuets thanks to Tom's speeding. The two walked into the doors of the building to begin the next chapter of their lives.

requests anything you would like to see by messaging me your ideas! xxxxx

also psa i haven't stopped fan girling over lucas zumann and i don't know what to do about it quite honestly. like i'm not complaining either because i love him, but he takes up majority of my thoughts throughout the day welp.


we're also #34 in tony stark which is ahsudbdusjsjdh love it thank you guys.

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