practically naked (peter parker)

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by aweparker on tumblr

peter smiled brightly as he walked down the street, his stroll full of bounce as he approached the steps to avengers tower. the brunette boy jogged up the stairs excitedly.

"hey happy!" peter called as he marched towards the elevators, stark's head of security leaned over his desk, furrowing a brow at the boy's jittery stance.

"what're you smiling about?" happy asked, curiosity layering his words.

peter spun on his heel, ecstatic to tell happy of the reason for his grin. "i'm going on a date," he rolled on the balls of his feet, a blush forming across his cheeks, "with y/n." he added, a bit of embarrassment coating his voice.

Happy raised an eyebrow, a small smirk pulling at his lips. "good luck kid." he said, sending Peter off as the elevator descended.

all of peter's nerves creeped up on him all at once. a small bead of sweat beginning to trail down his temple. he quickly wiped it away, taking a deep breath before the doors opened up to engulf him into the lounge.

a few avengers sat clustered in groups throughout the room, all their eyes falling upon peter and watching his nervousness build as he headed for the stark girls bedroom.

he stood outside her door, trying to regain the small amount of confidence he had. "c'mom peter, it's just a study date, just a-"

the door flung open, causing peter to jolt backwards, resulting in the boy falling onto hit bottom with a thump. y/n stood by the door, her hand flying over her mouth to hold back the laughter that was about to erupt from her lips.
"you alright?" she quickly asked, trying her best to hide the giggle out of her tone.

peter nodded, his cheeks burning as she took his hand, helping him up. y/n didn't release him after helping him up, but instead tugged on his arm, pulling peter into her room.

peter glanced around the spacious bedroom, he estimated its size in his head, coming to the conclusion; it was larger than his whole apartment.

what interested the boy the most was the large wall completely made out of glass. he knew the whole tower was glass, but her room was the center, which made it odd how the window looked out on the city of new york.

"pretty cool huh?" y/n asked, netting his side. peter was at a loss for words, his eyes just trailed over the skyline, his mouth falling dry. "it's this super tech thing my dad made, kind of like two way glass." she tapped on the window, the skyline disappeared, a light grab wall replacing it.

"that's... amazing." peter sputtered, in shock by the amount of tech one room alone could hold.

y/n laughed, taking a seat on the ground where she had laid out her books. peter sat across from her, flipping through the pages of his geometry book.

the two tried to focus as best they could, but it just turned into a fit of laughter and the occasional toss of a french fry.

she stuck her tongue out at a comment peter shot her way, resulting in his flick of the chick fil a waffle fry smacking her square in the chest. y/n looked down to see a small ketchup stain splattered across her white top, a small frown crossing peter's face.

"oh god, i'm incredibly sorry, here i'll-" peter halted, he held his hand centimeters away from her chest, the napkin in his hand crumbling under the clench of his fist. instead he dropped it in her lap, leaning backwards.

y/n dabbed at the stain, knowing bloody well it wouldn't come out but it was worth the effort. she as an alternative to, stood and made her way towards her dresser.

peter stared down at his lap, the feeling of self-consciousness swept across his face. his gaze trailed upward, his eyes falling upon y/n... topless.
he tried to pull his stare away but couldn't, he sat paralyzed, eyes wide. y/n held a shirt in her hand, noticing his gape out of the corner of her eye.

"you okay peter?" she asked softly, stepping towards him. he flinched at her effort to touch his shoulder, the boy dropped his vision.

"y-you're... naked." he stuttered, peter's face falling flush.
y/n couldn't hold back a giggle, she easily compared his face to that of an apple. "i'm in a bra." the girl elaborated, her mind thinking of ways to tease the flustered boy.
"but," he began, lifting his gaze momentarily back to her, "that's practically naked."

y/n watched as he turned his back on her completely, listening to his small mutters he whispered telling himself to calm down.

she pressed her lips together, sending a glance down at herself. she wasn't wearing anything to risqué, only a bralet that was easily the size of your average sports bra. but of course she knew peter well, and wasn't expecting any less from him.

"yeah?" he didn't turn around.

y/n pushed a lock of hair behind her ear, sighing. "you know, if you're really interested in dating me, you should get use to this."

his face went from red to crimson. "w-what?"

y/n smirked, sitting down to face him, she tapped her pointer finger on his knee, a bit of mischief playing in her eyes. "close your eyes." he did as she said. "now imagine yourself sitting where you are, and me where i am."

his mouth fell dry. "dressed as you are?"
she shook her head, "yes, except make a small adjustment"

"and that is?" his posture grew tense, his eyes were squeezed shut tightly. y/n could tell he was nervous, embarrassed even, but she was just like her father. she loved to mess with people.

"you're wearing nothing but your boxers."

his eyes popped open, the boy getting to his feet as quickly as possible. "okay that's enough out of that game." he stumbled, his nerves calming as y/n gripped his wrist.

"peter," their eyes met, "you're allowed to think of me like that"

y/n shrugged, "maybe to some, but i don't mind it. besides, I've thought about it intensely, and you look great in boxers." she winked, that familiar blush falling upon peter's face as he dropped his gaze.

"and you look very pretty with clothes on."

probs gonna do a lil spam of imagines that i really like from tumblr :))

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