i want it, i got it (tom holland)

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hi this is part 2 of break up with your girlfriend i'm bored.

written by dropdeadholland on tumblr.

warning: smut, and a lot of it. i'm so sorry prepare yourself sjsjsjsjsj.

Breaking News

Superstar couple Tom Holland and costar Zendaya have announced a split after a short time of dating?!
Get the inside scoop right here.
The marvel costars started dating back in late January, fans were ecstatic with the news. The couple has been spotted out in various dates but has been keeping the PDA on the down low. Though none of the parties have spoken about the reasoning, stating that it was a mutual and friendly break. Various conspiracies have spiraled from the reasoning of the breakup, fans connecting musician Y/n into the story.

You wish you could say you were sorrowful about the new information plaguing your social media but you would be lying if you did. Scrolling through copious amounts article, tweets, and posts about the undoing of the famous couple but you in a good mood in a sadistic way. You knew that at least a little part of the reason all of this was going down was all because of you.

The rumors were going around as well, causing articles like:
'Diva Y/n Y/l/n is a homewrecker?! '
'Tom Holland cheats on short term girlfriend with who??'
Or one of my favourites;
'Swiper no swiping? It seems like singer Y/n Y/l/n steals Zendaya's boyfriend.'

Yes, this tarnishes your reputation but who has the proof to prove all of these assumptions. Tom never cheated on Z and you never forced him to break up with her; so who are they to ruin you. Fan's were vigorously trying to find some evidence of anything about the breakup. Leaving behind a path of hate in your way; comments, posts, accounts all despised you at the very moment, hating on you for destroying their one and beloved 'ship'. Though with hate, there was love; you had some support on your side and you were grateful for all of them.

'rumours? thank you, next.'
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User 1 [replying to @Y/n]
Tom Holland [replying to @Y/n]
preach it.
User 2 [replying to @Y/n]
Tom just replied proof that Y/n is a homewrecker!
Tom replying definitely did not help the situation but you were glad he was still there with you. The two of you had been texting constantly still, flirty texts here and there but usually it was just a good chat. Through the drama, it was good to have somewhere there to talk to when you needed. Speaking of the handsome brunette, you had 'planned' to go out to a party, and by planned Tom had slyly mentioned he was going and hinted at you to join. You played it coy, making it seem not too desperate but you knew your night had been set. You did not know whose party it was but you sure as hell know you're only going there for one thing; Tom.

You sift through your whole closet, making a mess on the floor of clothes as you try to find the right dress. Digging through the depths, you finally find your favourite; the dress you feel your best at. You wore matching undergarments, bumping up your self-confidence and notch, though no one else saw it, you hoped one person would. You add touches and fixes as time drew closer; there was no set time to be there but you had decided that going in late would be better. Deciding you were ready, you grabbed the necessities and went out the door. You pulled up the address sent from Tom a few conversations ago, hopping into the cab.

Was this a stupid plan? Yes.
Were you going to do it anyways? Well, Yes.

You felt a whirlwind of emotions, butterflies fluttering in your tummy as you thought about finally seeing Tom again. But all of those emotions dropped when you finally spotted him. You had just walked through the doors of the house, music already booming and people already scattered out on the front lawn. Walking in you expected to spot Tom fairly quickly, hoping that he saw you as well but you were greeted with the sight of him surrounded with other girls. Sat up on the couch, he had a drink in hand and another on the waist of some random girl; others surrounded like he was a king. You walked over to the drinks table, you were already here and you didn't want to waste any time. Chugging down a cup before refilling it and making your way out onto the large living space that had been turned into a dance floor for the night. Bodies pressed and bumped against one another, you squeezed through until you got some free space for yourself to just let loose. You swayed and danced to the music, you just wanted to have fun as the alcohol started to kick in; ever so slightly. Before even a whole song finished you felt someone press against your back, quickly turning your head to see a guy around your age. He looked pretty decent, not too shabby. You continued dancing like he wasn't even there until he grabbed a hold of your waist pressing you up against him even further. You started grinding back onto him, what was the harm right? You were just trying to enjoy yourself and this attention was semi-working. What you didn't realize was Toms glaring eyes were glued onto you, from when you walked in, to when this douchebag decided he could dance with you. Tom had enough when he saw the guy tug you around to face him, your arms snaking around the randoms boys neck as you both swayed to the music. Tom shook the girls off of him, of course, he wouldn't get with any of them when all he had his eyes on was you. You didn't see Tom storm over to you and you were surprised to feel someone grabs your arm. You got pulled by this person who you saw was Tom for only a split second because he had pulled you straight into a kiss. Your lips molded together like puzzle pieces, you had wanted this for the longest time now. You had completely forgotten about the guy you had been dancing with, throwing your arms over the actor you had your lips on. Pulling away Tom leaned in closely to your ear, bot of you almost out of breath from the intense kiss.

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