I'm here for you (Peter Parker)

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written by pparkerwrites on tumblr

"Why are you still here, sweetheart? It's pouring," Peter's breathless voice was the first thing you heard, as well as the wet grass being pressed down under his footsteps when he came up next to you.

You shrugged, still staring down at the new grave, so new it didn't even have a proper gravestone yet. There were several flowers that had probably been beautiful at the service hours ago, but now they just looked sad from being beaten by the rain. Kinda like how you felt.

"You look freezing," he said worriedly, brown eyes moving over the water clinging to your uncovered arms. "Why didn't you bring a coat?"

"Didn't think it would rain," you muttered, rubbing your arms a bit. He gave you a look of disbelief, which you knew you deserved - it had been raining nonstop for a week, and you knew it would rain today. You thought maybe having cold water pouring on your skin would finally make you feel something, anything, since the past few days you've felt so numb.

Without another word Peter slid off his black coat and slung it over your shoulders, ignoring your weak attempt at protesting. He adjusted the coat while you stared at his face, not missing the new cut on his cheek and bruise under his eye.

"There," he said with a little smile, pressing his lips to your forehead before moving back. "Better?"

You nodded a bit, thanking him but making yourself take a small, almost unnoticeable step back from him. However it didn't go unnoticed by Peter, but he decided not to say anything for the moment.

"I didn't see you at the service," he noted, watching your face for a reaction, "But you were there, weren't you?"

"I stayed back," you bit your lip, "I watched it from my car. It was open casket, I-I couldn't stand to see their body-"

"Hey," Peter interrupted, seeing you start to freak out a bit and taking your cold hands in his, "That's okay, Y/N, I understand. I've been to plenty of funerals, I get why you wouldn't want to be up there. It's hard to see that."

"Why has everyone in my life left, Peter?" You suddenly asked desperately, startling him, "I feel so lonely and I'm so tired of being left alone by people I love, I just - I don't get it."

"You know I'm here for you, right?" he asked softly, his thumbs rubbing the backs of your hands and the look in his eyes making you want to melt right there. "I'll always be here for you."

"Don't say that," you said quietly, blinking a few times and taking your hands from his and crossing your arms to turn away a bit. "Please don't promise me that."

"Why not?" He protested, coming into your vision again, "I'll always be here for you for things like this because I love you, Y/N, and I honestly thought you felt the same for me, too-"

"I can't fall in love with you," you cried out, "I don't want all the pain that comes with that, that comes with when you eventually leave me, just like everyone else has."

"Y/N," this time he brought his hands up to cup your jaw, wiping away the mix of tears and rain from your face. "I'm not planning on leaving you."

"You don't always get that choice, Peter," you wanted to say it harshly, but you could already feel your walls breaking down as he stared at you, his thumbs softly brushing your cheeks in the most delicate way. "Especially in your line of work."

"I've always come back, haven't I?" he countered, leaning his forehead against yours and shutting his eyes. "And I'm always going to come back, I don't care if you don't want me to promise that, I will. After everything, after Vulture, and Thanos, Mysterio, Green Goblin, all of it - you really think I might not come back one day?"

You sniffled, your eyes stinging from crying so much today and you certainly weren't stopping anytime soon. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," he replied, opening his eyes and smiling a little at you, "I promise I won't leave you. As long as you want me here, then I'll be right next to you, okay?"

You nodded, "You always know the right thing to say, you sap."

"It's a talent," he said cheekily, leaning forward to press his lips to yours. You kiss him back and much to your disappointment he pulls away after a minute, a small smirk on his face. "You're gonna freeze standing out here too long. Let's go home, alright?"

"Alright," you agreed, slipping your hand in his and intertwining your fingers. "Thanks, Peter."

"Anything for you, sweetheart."

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