Coffee Shop ( Tom Holland )

11.6K 209 33

Request from: @Lover1dreamer

Hi! I saw your recent post and I dont know if you can do an imagine where the girl if from Latin America (people where speaks spanish) where she was in a coffee shop reading aa book and eets Tom :)

I tried the best that I could and I hope you like.


You smiled to yourself as you breathed in the warm morning air. You walked into your favorite coffee shop and sat down in your usual seat.  

You reached into your bag that was sitting next to you and got out your book y/b/n and started reading it. You did this every morning, coming into the warm cafe and reading while sipping on drinks. 

" Lovely morning isn't it y/n " You favorite barista, Mario said while handing you your coffee.

" Beautiful" You smiled at the man.

You were enjoying the vibe in the shop and reading your book, when Mario walked over to where you were sitting and gave you another coffee.

That's odd, I don't remember ordering another drink?

" Mario I didn't Order this?" You pointed out as to why he gave u a free drink

" Oh no miss, I know you didn't, but he did for you" Mario pointed at a young man sitting one a bar stool looking over in your direction.

You gave Mario a quick smile before turning back to your book.

" Hello love" You heard a voice from above you say, cutting you out from your book.

You looked up to meet the most stunning pair of brown eyes ever. 

" Hi" You smiled at boy, remembering he was the same boy who got you a coffee.

" Can I sit?" He gestured to the empty seat across from you.

" Of course" You said 

" I hope the coffee thing wasn't creepy or anything" He laughed scratching the back of his neck.

" Oh no, it was nice, thank you" You said to him

" I'm Tom" He smiled at you 

" y/n" You replied

" y/n, hmm that's a pretty name" He commented.

" Thank you" You blushed

You sat with Tom in the coffee shop for a while getting to know each other, he asked you questions about yourself and you to him.

At the end of the day you were getting up to leave and go home.

" Y/n, I was hoping maybe we could hang out again?" Tom said

" I would like that" You replied, he smiled and looked at you

Tom and yourself exchanged numbers, and you went home.

You got home and took a shower wondering if he would ever call you?

And sure enough.....

He did.


Thank you for 4k reads already!!!!!!!!!

Also if you have a request, feel free to message me :)

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