How he cuddles (Tom Holland)

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written by upsidedownparker on tumblr
saddle up this is so adorable i cry.

•Homeboy is hella touchy
•his fingers constantly running up your arm dancing •around your skin.
•drawing circles on the small of your back.
•his hands are never not roaming your body.
•even dancing up your bare thigh underneath the blanket.
•anything that will make you snuggle closer to him
• and one his hands is alway tangled in your hair
•fingers massaging your scalp
•and eventually he would place his hands under your knees and rest them over his legs.
• fingers dancing up and down your legs
•sending cold chills down your spine
•as his fingers get closer to the inside of your thigh
• and tom would whisper sweet nothings in your ear
•until you melted under his touch
•lips brushing over his
•and your hands trailing down his chest
•until they rested on the bottom half of your stomach
•and you would life his shirt up slightly as your fingernails running over his bare skin
•and his hands roaming over your back
•until he picks you ups
•your legs wrapped around his
•as he leads you to the bedroom
•then there are other times
•where tom wants to be little spoon
•these are the times that homeboy loses his shirt•
•cause he puts off too much heat from being under the blanket
•and he knows that you'll complain eventually and refuse to keep cuddling with him
•if he doesn't lose his shirt
•and the two of you cuddle up on the couch watching a movie
•your arms wrapped around him
•as he leans his head back against your shoulder
•your fingernails gently scratching at his hand or arm
•and tom would let out a soft moan
•cause his not use to be little spoon
•but homeboy secretly loves it
•tom gets overly peaceful in your arms
•and he could just fall asleep
•and then there are times
•that his head in your lap
•your fingers running through his curls
•and his arms are wrapped around your knees
•cause you're sitting cross-legged
•and tom just hums quietly
•cause he's in heaven
•and there aren't very many times that he gets to rest his head in your lap
•but when he does
•tom takes full advantage of it
•cause it's one of his favorite sports
•not only cause tom can see the tv better, but your fingers never leave his curls
•and it helps that you leave little kisses all over the top of his head
•and down his jawline and cheek
•and to him it's just perfect
•but eventually he'll fall asleep
•cause your fingers are dancing along his scalp and that puts any boy to sleep
•then there is cuddling in bed
•and tom lives for this one
•cause he doesn't have to wear a shirt
•and half the time he's only in his boxer
•and your always wearing just a big t-shirt and undies
•for some reason tom loves this so freaking much
•cause there is something about cuddling with almost no clothes with the person that you love
•hat just gets his heart pounding against his chest
•you and him would start by laying side by side in the bed
•your head in the crook of his neck
•his fingers dancing along your collarbone
•and down your arm
•but you would eventually roll over onto your side
•with his arms wrapped tightly around you
•as tom snuggled up to your back
•his head resting against your neck
•and his lips would flutter over your expose skin
•tom being the cheeky little person he is
•he would do this until you were forced to roll over and look at him
•and his lips would crash up against yours
•with passion and love
•and then he could finally go to sleep
•cause he only wants to fall asleep when he's facing you
•and his legs tangled up in with yours
•and you in his arms

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